Male Violence April 2014

Men killed 214 women and 10 children, raped 167 women and teenager girls/ attempted to rape, used violence against 241 women and teenager girls, harassed 161 women and teenager girls. |
According to the data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male violence left 29 women killed, 6 women raped, 55 women injured, and 7 women sexually harassed in April 2014.
Overall in 2014, male perpetrators left 89 women killed, 19 raped, 200 battered and 19 harassed.
One of four murdered women in April either filed a complaint or had a restraining order. One was placed in shelter.
31 percent of women were murdered for rejecting marriage/compromise.
1 April
* In Edirne province, C.Ö. raped and battered his lover Özge B. (21) and heavily injured her. After the incident, Özge B. in the intensive care for 5 days and lost her life. C.Ö. confessed and the court arrested him.
* In İstanbul province, 4 men working as valet in a club battered model E.S. during a fight in front of the club.
* In Kocaeli province, İ.E. battered his wife E.E..
2 April
* In Bandırma province, A.D. sexually harrased A.K. and B.Y. They filed a complaint and A.D. was detained first but then the court arrested him.
* In Osmaniye province, A.Ç. (74) battered his daughter S.Ç. (51) from her arm because she wanted money from him. He also battered his wife S.Ç. (79) from her chest while she was trying to end the fight. S.Ç.’s condition is critical.
* In Bursa province, E.G. (recently released from prison) battered her friend E.K. (45) from her head. E.G. and two of her women friends at the scene of accident ran away. E.K. was admitted to the hospital in a critical condition.
3 April
* In Antep province, M.İ. (36) murdered his separation-seeking wife Saliha İvinç (35) with a gun because she filed for divorce. After the incident, M.İ. committed suicide. It turned out that on the day she died, Saliha İvinç applied to police for a restraining order for his husband.
* In Trabzon province, A.K. (45) battered his separation-seeking wife Ö.K. (38) and told her that he won’t send her to her parents’ house. Ö.K. filed a complaint on his husband.
4 April
* In Kocaeli province, H.G. battered his wife Ç.G.
* In Manisa province, Y.Y. (49) battered his wife S.Y. (46) by throwing boiling water on her.
5 April
* In Çorum province, E.B. (27) murdered his separation-seeking wife’s mother Mercan Şahan (52) and injured his father-in-law M.Ş. (54) with a gun. It turned out that E.B. filed a complaint to the police 5 months ago because she was exposed to violence, and the court gave a restraining order to E.B. The women moved to a women’s shelter five days before the incident because of his threats. After the incident, E.B. ran away.
* In Mersin province, N.Ç. (55) murdered his lover Keziban Akbalık (47) with a shotgun.
* In İstanbul province, S.Ç. battered his ex-wife G.Ç. by burning her with gazoline while she was going out of her house to go to work. It turned out that G.Ç. divorced her husband because she was exposed to violence and the pepper spray she was carrying around because she was threatened exploded during the incident. S.Ç. ran away and G.Ç. was admitted to the hospital in a critical condition.
6 April
* In Kayseri province M. A.K. (35) murdered his wife Asiye Ülkü Korkmaz (23) with a knife. It turned out that Korkmaz applied to the İstanbul police for 14 times and Kayseri police for once because she was exposed to violence and he has a restraining order in İstanbul.
* In Adana province retired police officer C.D. (52) murdered his separation-seeking wife Sevgi Dinçer(46) with a gun when she was going to work. After the incident, C.D. ran away but was caught. It turned out that Dinçer wanted a divorce because she was exposed to violence and life-threatening situation. It was claimed that C.D. murdered his wife because she wanted alimony.
* In Muğla province, designer İ.B.S. (37) murdered his American wife Ester Parker Senger (39) with a knife. The court arrested İ.B.S. and in his statement he said his wife wanted to divorce him and leave the country with his son and that’s why he murdered her.
7 April
*In Balıkesir province, H.Y. (37) murdered his wife Naime Yılmaz (34) who was working at a hospital by suffocationg her with a pillow. H.Y. surrendered to police afterwards.
8 April
*In Malatya province, İ.Ç. (56) murdered his wife Fatma Ç (53) by crushing her head with a skull. İ.Ç. was detained afterwards.
9 April
* In Zonguldak province D.A. (30) murdered his son Resul Kaan Akcan (8), his wife Elif Akcan (28) and his mother-in-law Nurcan Açıkgöz (49) with a rifle. After the incident, he committed suicide. It turned out that D.A. had a restraint order for one month and after he took his son to a park anda te something, he went to his mother’s-in-law house.
* In Kocaeli province, a man chased and threatened his wife S.K. (35) with a knife. S.K. said that she sought divorce but her husband threatened her wife with death because he didn’t want to deal with alimony. S.K. expressed that she was harassed and sought protection despite her husband’s restraint order.
*In Kocaeli province E.U. (33) stabbed his wife E.U. from her crotch.
10 April
* In Bursa province, retired guardian D.F. (50) murdered his lover Emine Erben (28) with a gun at the law firm they first met. D.F. went back to his home after the murder and committed suicide in front of his wife and children.
* In Denizli province, H.B. (44) murdered his separation-seeking wife Zeynep Baysan (42) with a rifle on the street. After the incident, H.B. committed suicide.
* In Samsun province, K.Ö. detained and given 3 months restraining order because he battered his wife. On the same day, K.Ö. battered his wife H.Ö. and the police detained him again.
* In Trabzon province, A.A. (35) commenced fire to his separation-seeking G.A. (30), his father in-law H.A and his daughter D.A. (12). G.A. and H.A. were seriously wounded. It was learned that A.A. had a restraining order.
* In Çorum province S.D. battered his wife N.D.
* In Uşak province, F.T. assaulted his student S.K. (17) in his car. Police detained F.T. after the complaint of S.K. and released by the court pending a trial.
11 April
* In İstanbul province, producer F.C. battered his girlfriend actress T.Ö..
*In Diyarbakır province, a man battered his separation-seeking wife B.A. B.A. said that she wanted a divorce for 10 years now but his husband doesn’t accept it and batters her and their daughters all the time.
12 April
* In Aydın province, M.K. (86) tried to rape his housekeeper N.D..M.K confessed after the complaint of N.D. M.K. was released by the court pending a trial.
* In Çorum province, T.Ö. battered his neighbor S.B. after an argument they had.
* In Ankara province, İ.Ç. (21) took permission from the prison for 3 days and murdered his ex-religiously-wed wife Ebru Duman (25) with a rifle. After the incident, İ.Ç. committed suicide.
* In İstanbul province, Z. harassed B.Ç. by texting her sexual content messages. Prosecution Office started an investigation after B.Ç.’s complaint.
* In Diyarbakır province, M.O. (70) battered his District Mayor Co-President daughter N.O. The court arrested M.O.
* In Adana province, Y.S. (27) battered his religiously-wed child-bride G.D. (16). G.D. filed a complaint and said she was exposed to violence for 2 years.
15 April
*In Ankara province, İ.Ç. (21) murdered his wife of imam marriage Ebru Duman (25) with a rifle. İ.Ç. committed suicide afterwards.
*In İstanbul province Z. harassed B.Ç. on the phone with sexual content. Prosecutor’s Office filed an investigation after B.Ç.’s complaints.
*In Diyarbakır province M.O. (70) stabbed N.O., daughter of co-mayor. M.O. was detained.
*In Adana province, Y.S. (27) battered his imam marriage child bride G.D. (16). G.D. filed a complaint as she faced violence for two years.
16 April
* In İstanbul province, two men riding a motorbike organized an armed assault to Ex-Homeland Party (Anavatan Parti)’s İstanbul deputy Adnan Yıldız. His wife Firuze Yıldız and his daughter Betül Yıldız were murdered.
* In Antalya province, H.K. raped Syrian S.J. (13). It turned out that S.J. came to Turkey with her family to work. S.J. was found unconscious near a football field. The court arrested H.K.
* In Kocaeli province, Ö.A. battered his wife M.A. from her back on the street.
17 April
* In İstanbul province, 3 men harassed K.O. verbally on the street. K.O.’s boyfriend Oktay Kurt verbally warned the men. 3 men murdered Oktay Kurt with a knife.
* In Çorum province B.Y. (29) battered, injured and tried to kidnap his separation-seeking wife E.S. (28). B.Y. also injured his wife’s friend H.A.. Police detained B.Y.
* In Bolu province, B.G. battered and threatened to murder his wife H.G.. H.G. filed a complaint at the police station.
18 April
* In İzmir province, M.K. (61) murdered his neighbor Duygu Karaca (20) with a rifle and battered her mother F.K. with a chopper knife. Before the incident, M.K. attacked Duygu Karaca’s mother F.K. with a chopper knife and commenced fire to F.K and his son. Trying to intervene, Duygu Karaca was shot from her heart and F.K. was injured.
*In Bursa province two men around the age 20 came to a school entered into a class and battered a woman teacher D.Y.and her friend Z.A. while she was trying to protect her. It was claimed that two men came because two students threw rocks to the outside.
*In Kocaeli province, S.K. attacked her ex-girlfriend S.P. with a gun and injured her with a chopper knife. The court arrested S.K. It turned out that S.P. had been threatening S.K. for 4 months and she filed a complaint to the Prosecution Office and they replied “This guy loves you, get married”.
* In Çorum province, A.B. battered his ex-fiancée S.K.
* In İstanbul province, P.D. stated she was being threatened and battered by her ex-husband C.T.. The court gave a month long restraining order to C.T. and he refused the accusations.
* In Çorum province, Ö.K. (26) threatened his mother H.K. because she got engaged to another man.
19 April
* In Çanakkale province, Y.A. (46) threatened and battered his wife H.A.. Neighbors called the gendarmerie and Gendarmerie Station Commander İlhan Yıldız tried to convince Y.A. to drop the gun in his hand. Y.A. commenced fire randomly and İlhan Yıldız died. After the incident, Y.A. ran away. Y.A. murdered Master Sergeant Ömer Yanar when he was searching for him. Y.A. died during the incident.
* In Ankara province, F.K. (16) and Ö.E. followed and raped the Japanese tourist T.H after she asked an address description to them. F.K. and Ö.E. refused the accusations and arrested by the court.
* In Muğla province, O.C. (34) battered his separation-seeking wife A.C. (21) with a knife from her chest on the street. It turned out that O.C. had a restraining order and the court arrested him.
* In İstanbul province, O.Ş. (28) battered his separation-seeking wife S.S. (17) with a knife from 17 places. After the incident, police detained O.Ş. but released him while his wife was in intensive care. It turned out that O.Ş. assaulted her wife before and that’s why S.Ş. moved to a women’s shelter.
20 April
*In Hatay province M.K. (53) murdered his divorce-seeking wife Nahiye Kiremit by shooting her in the head four times. M.K. surrendered to gendarmerie afterwards.
*In Kocaeli province Ö.A. (52) murdered his imam marriage ex-wife Sevgi Zağlı (46) by slitting her throat on the street. Ö.A. surrendered to the police afterwards. It turned out that Sevgi Zağlı had filed complaints for sexual harassment, threat and battery. Her daughter said that they sought protection twice but police didn’t give it.
Suicide/Unexpected death
*In Diyarbakır province Ç.H. (14) was found hanging on the ceiling. It is claimed that Ç.H. committed suicide. Prosecutor’s Office filed an investigation.
*In Şanlıurfa province, L.E. (23) committed suicide with his father’s pistol. Gendarmerie filed an investigation.
21 April
*In Adana province, H.Ş. (44) murdered his wife Nazan Şimşek (44) and his daughter Ladin Şimşek (15) with a gun. While H.Ş. ran away, the bodies were found wrapped in a blanket three days after. After he was arrested, H.Ş. said that he wanted to sell the house because his debts and his wife refused.
22 April
*In Tokat province, married H.G. (26) murdered his girlfriend Şerife Şen (18) with a gun, and committed suicide afterwards.
*In Eskişehir province, Ö.İ. (60) murdered his ex-girlfriend Nuray Yıldız (41) by shooting her four times on the street. He committed suicide in his house afterwards.
*In İstanbul province, H.T. (17) murdered trans female Çağla Joker (25) and gravely injured N. (45). Afterwards, he and his friend T.M. were arrested.
*In Kayseri province, a man battered his wife on the street. The husband ran away as the police was searching.
*In İstanbul province, T.S. (35) batter his wife N.Ç.S. (29) in the airport. N.Ç.S., who was facing violence, filed a complaint for her husband.
23 April
*In Antalya province, A.A. (18) sexually harassed his sister M.A. (12). It turned out that A.A. had harassed her last year as well. A court arrested A.A.
*In Konya province, M.D. (27) battered his wife Ş.D. (37) on the street. Ş.D. passed out and was sent to hospital while M.D. was detained.
* In Mersin province, a man assaulted two women named S. G. and F.A. with a knife. While S.G. was hospitalized, Uğur Oruç Kürkün (42), a bystander who wanted to stop the assault, died.
*In Bolu province, S.D. battered his mother D.D. As D.D. filed a complaint, S.D. was detained and released. A court issued a 3 month long protection order for D.D.
24 April
*In Bolu province, H.A. battered his wife F.A. for bringing his girlfriend to the house.
*In Çorum province, M.A. battered his wife S.A.. S.A. said that her husband got ouf of jail a week ago and she was threatened.
25 April
* In İstanbul province, N.Ç. (Nüştüman Çiçek) (22) committed suicide by jumping from seventh floor after arguing with her husband. N.Ç.’s mother claimed that her daughter was always facing violence. N.Ç.’s sibling said that her husband always battered N.Ç., after they reconciled, her husband battered her again. Preliminary autopsy results showed that the woman had bruises on her body.
*In Zonguldak province, O.Ö. (33) sexually harassed her brother’s wife and attempted to batter her in her house. During that, Y.A murdered O.Ö. with a rifle.
*In Uşak province, A.S. (49) forced his wife H.S. (39) to talk with him at factory gate. A.S. randomly shot around with his rifle after the security guard intervened. A.S. injured three people.
26 April
*In Konya province, K.Ç. battered his wife Özlem Işık (31) after he was rejected for compromise and then murdered her with a knife. Her body was found on the road and K.Ç. was arrested.
*In Denizli province, H.B. murdered his divorce-seeking wife Zeynep B.. H.B. committed suicide afterwards.
*In Çorum province, S.K. battered his wife A.K. A.K. went to her family’s house, S.K. came and threatened her family. S.K. was filed a complaint.
*In Batman province, C.A. was battered by her husband’s niece. As the suspect ran away, C.A. was sent to hospital.
*In Tekirdağ province, S.C.(50), H.A., N.G., E.B. ve M.F. raped F.İ. (19). F.İ. ran away but was found in Samsun. F.İ. filed a complaint for her uncle S.C and neighbors H.A., N.G., E.B. and M.F.. Four of five were arrested for sexual assault.
27 April
*In Antep province, M.K. (35) murdered his wife Semiha K (28) by slitting her throat.
28 April
*In Antep province, M.N.D. (17) killed his aunt Mine Bulduk (26) by shooting her 14 times with a gun. M.N.D. claimed that her aunt was into prostitution and he wanted to “cleanse his honor”
Harassment / Violence
* In İstanbul province, real estate broker M.C. and his friends forcibly broke into K.A.'s office and sexual harassed her. M.C. and his friends claimed that K.A. owed them and forced K.A. to sign some papers. M.C. and his friends were arrested.
* In Bursa province, ambulance driver K.S. battered emergency technician V.Ö. during an argument. V.Ö. ran away from the ambulance. K.S. was detained.
29 April
*In Samsun province, S.O. (24) raped his girlfriend. S.O. was released within judiciary control measures.
*In İstanbul province, F.K. (19) raped his ex-girlfriend G.K. (21), threatening her to publish her naked photos. G.K. filed a complaint and said that F.K.’s mother was there and didn’t help her. F.K. was arrested
*In Samsun province, Y.K. (39), who has a restraint order, battered his wife. Y.K. was arrested and convicted three days compulsory sentence.
*In Urfa province, a man battered his wife on the street. While the wife didn’t file a complaint, the police detained the husband. The wife was transferred to a hospital.
30 April
* In İstanbul province, advocate S.G. murdered his divorce-seeking Fulya Bahçıvanoğlu Güney wife with a pistol in her office. Following the incident, he attempted to commit suicide. S.G. has been hospitalized with critical condition.
* In Trabzon province, H.B. (80) sexually harassed a 14 year old teenager girl. Upon a complaint, police detained H.B. who was later on released pending a trial.
* In Adana province, E.K. (42) battered his wife S.K. (37) until she passed out.
* In Istanbul province, K.Y. (35) assualted his mother G.Y. in the throat, and his father M.Y. in the chest by using a knife. G.Y. has been hospitalized with a critical condition.
* In Adıyaman province, A.A. (32) assaulted his mother H.A. with a sharp object. He also assaulted his brothers M.A. and K.A. with a knife, leaving them hospitalized. After the incident, A.A. ran away.
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.