Male Culprits Killed 20 Women in October

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that 20 women were killed by male perpetrators in October 2011. Two of the culprits committed suicide, one attempted to kill himself. One man surrendered to the police after the murder.
Seven women were raped in October, 22 were wounded, twelve women were exposed to sexual harassment and five children were abused according to the cases reported in the news. Thus, a total of 226 women were killed by men between 1 January and 31 October 2011 and 93 women were raped.
The majority of cases was reported for the Marmara region (north-western Turkey) and the Aegean (west coast).
Male culprits killed 20 women and two men in 16 different Turkish provinces in October. Two of the perpetrators committed suicide after the murder, one attempted to kill himself. One male perpetrator surrendered to the police after the murder.
Twelve women were stabbed to death, seven women were killed with a gun. One woman was killed after she had moved out of a women shelter. Four women were killed after they had submitted a request for protection or a complaint to the prosecutor's office.
Most of the perpetrators in October were the husbands of the slain women. Six women were killed by their husbands; five by their husbands from whom they wanted to separate; two by their boy-friends; one by her former husband; one by her son; one by her father, one by her elder brother and one woman was killed by her fiancée whom she was going to leave. In two cases, the murderers are not known.
The most women murders occurred in Ankara and Gaziantep. The provinces women murders were committed in were Ankara (3), Gaziantep (3), Aydın, Balıkesir, Bandırma, Bursa (2), Çankırı, Istanbul, Izmir (2), Kütahya, Manisa, Maraş, Mersin, Osmaniye and Tokat (1).
The murderers were between 17 and 54 years old; their female victims were aged between 15 and 52.
Violence - Injury
22 women in 15 provinces were killed by men in October. Most of these cases happened in Izmir. Cities where incidents of male violence were reported are Adana (2), Afyonkarahisar, Ankara, Antalya (2), Gaziantep (2), Balıkesir, Bursa, Denizli, İstanbul, İzmir (3), Kırşehir, Kocaeli, Muğla, Samsun and Tokat (1).
Five women were treated violently by their husbands; four by their boy-friends; three by their former husbands, two by their colleagues and three by their husbands whom they wanted to divorce.
13 women were beaten in October according to the news. Seven women were injured with a knife, one woman with a pump rifle. One woman fell of the balcony in the fifth floor when she was trying to escape from her husband. One man ignored a restraining order and entered the house where he wounded his wife.
At least seven women were raped in five provinces in October. Most of the women exposed to rape come from abroad.
Provinces where rape cases were reported were Antalya (2), Kocaeli, Istanbul, Izmir and Izmit(2). The rapists were between 20 and 36 years old; the women were between 19 and 29 years of age.
Twelve women in six provinces were harassed in October. Most of these incidents happened in Ankara, Eskişehir and Istanbul. Cases of harassment and sexual abused were reported in Ankara (2), Eskişehir (2), İstanbul (2), Kırıkkale, Muğla and Zonguldak (1).
The youngest molester was 17, the oldest 30 years old; the age of the women varied between 17 and 53.
Child Abuse
Five cases of child abuse were reported in four provinces in October. Two incidents occurred in Adana and one each in Izmir, Muğla and Samsun.
The perpetrators were aged between 23 and 59 years; the youngest child exposed to abuse was 4, the oldest 15 years old.
Regional Distribution
In October, 62 cases of violence against women, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape, injury and child abuse were reported in 26 provinces. Most of these incidents were registered in the Marmara region and the Aegean.
Out of a total of 62 incidents, 15 were reported in the Marmara region; 15 in the Aegean region; eleven in Central Anatolia; eleven inthe Mediterranean region, five in the Black Sea region and five in South-Eastern Anatolia.
The most cases were reported for the cities of Izmir (7) and Ankara (6). (ÇT/VK)