Local Elections Repeated in 30 Places

The Supreme Election Council (YSK) had cancelled the election results of the local elections on 29 March 2009 in 7 district towns and 23 smaller towns.
On Sunday, 7 June, the elections were repeated in those places.
When torn-up ballot papers were found in the Gülşehir town in Yozgat province, the elections there were cancelled again.
Following the new elections, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) won in 12 places, the Republican People's Party (CHP) in 10, the Democratic Party (DP) in 3, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) in 2, the Democratic Society Party (DTP) in 1, and the Motherland Party (ANAVATAN) in one.
The municipal election results were as follows:
Akyazı (Sakarya): Yaşar Yazıcı (AKP)
Koçarlı (Aydın): Cengiz Şen (CHP)
Şarkikaraağaç (Isparta): Mevlüt Özdemir (AKP)
Mecitözü (Çorum): Selçuk Aksoy (CHP)
Ağın (Elazığ): Mustafa Yentür (AKP)
Yapraklı (Çankırı): Hasan Basri Avşar (MHP)
Kadışehri (Yozgat): Davut Karadavut (AKP)
Kaldırım (Adana- Yumurtalık): Refik Şen (DP)
Çakırhüyük (Adıyaman- Besni): Hasan Özdemir (CHP)
Özburun (Afyonkarahisar- Bolvadin): Hasan Boyracı (CHP)
Camili (Aksaray- Ağaçören): Hayrullah Şahan (AKP)
Sultanhanı (Aksaray- central district): İsmet Sarı (CHP)
Bağarası (Aydın- Söke): Salih Özdemir (DP)
Selcen (Denizli- Çal): Mehmet Atılsın (CHP)
Salkım (Gaziantep- Nizip): Ahmet Sönmez (AKP)
Duroğlu (Giresun- central district): Murat Kılıçaslan (AKP)
Tekke (Gümüşhane- central district): Gürsel Şeyhoğlu (AKP)
Dadaloğlu (Kayseri- Tomarza): Hüseyin Eker (CHP)
Köseli (Kırşehir- Çiçekdağı): Mehmet Sağlam (DP)
Engili (Konya- Akşehir): Karatay Selçuklu Şehirli (AKP)
Fırdan (Kütahya- Gediz): Hüseyin Kalaycı (AKP)
Girmeli (Mardin- Nusaybin): Ömer Altun (DTP)
Yalı (Muğla- Bodrum): İsmail Altındağ (Anavatan)
Seki (Muğla- Fethiye): Veli Yıldız (CHP)
Kızılca (Niğde- Bor): İbrahim Gülümser (CHP)
Aslancami (Ordu- Fatsa): Mustafa Yazıcı (CHP)
Kuruduru (Sakarya- Karasu): Mehmet Alemdar (MHP)
Ayran (Şanlıurfa- Birecik): Selahattin Alpay (AKP)
Gürbulak (Trabzon- central district): Kemal Çoban (AKP)
Violence in Mardin province
In the southeastern province of Mardin's Nusaybin district, a new election in the town of Girmeli was marked by violence. In March, DTP candidate Ömer Altun had won by 37 votes, but the former mayor Yusuf Turgay from the AKP had argued that voters had been pressurised and had demanded a new vote. In the new elections, there were fights with shotguns, stones and sticks between AKP and DTP supporters. Police tanks using water cannons dispersed the fighters, and the police also used tear gas. Three people were injured and 16 people were taken into custody. DTP MP Selahattin Demirtaş, who had gone to the area, said that the AKP candidate, who was a voluntary village guard, had shot into the air close to people. DTP candidate Altun won the new election with 581 votes. (TK/AG)
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