LGBTI Peace Initiative Established: ‘We Reject Manhood’s War’
LGBTI organizations and LGBTI activists in Turkey have established LGBTI Peace Initiative with the motto, “We reject manhood’s war.”
LGBTI people said, “How many people have to die for it to be understood that those who shelved democracy and peace will lose?” and emphasized that it is not possible to talk about equal and free coexistence without the existence of peace.
İrem Güven told bianet that the Initiative aims to contribute to the peace struggle and call out to unorganized LGBTI people as well as all fractions of society.
Güven said, the Initiative will join the Peace Bloc on behalf of the LGBT people, and made the following statements:
“Among us, besides many independent activists, there are political parties’ LGBTI commissions, associations, and student communities. Besides [organizing] campaigns and demonstrations, we plan to prepare informative texts explaining what the reconciliation process was and to which point it came, and then release them into circulation.”
“The LGBTI groups were the most visible ones in Gezi [Park protests in 2013], and achieved the most legitimacy. We now would like to continue this legacy and even if a ceasefire is declared again, we would like this peace discussion to be turned into a democracy discussion.”
‘A joint peace outcry can stop the deaths’
LGBTI activists came together last weekend in Istanbul and established the Peace Initiative. The Initiative sees peace as an “immediate necessity for everyone in Turkey”, according to its declaration of establishment.
The declaration says, “The war and violence of the [Presidential] Palace feeds itself on patriarchal mentality and militarism, sanctifies manhood, and strengthens hate speech. We, the LGBTI people, reject this war, manhood’s war.”
The Initiative’s declaration says that the reconciliation process should be reinstated and it is only through “politics, talking, listening, and understanding” that the Kurdish question can be solved democratically in peace.
“Deaths of soldiers, police officers, guerillas, civilians should be stopped immediately. We know that as the language of peace purified of violence comes to the foreground, those keen on war will sorrow and humanity will win,” the declaration states.
“A joint peace outcry of the LGBT community and all fractions [of society] supporting peace can stop the deaths, can destroy the fear atmosphere that we are trying to be imprisoned in, and can build the peace,” according to the declaration.
LGBTI members of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) and many independent activists take part in the Peace Initiative besides the following groups: LISTAG (Families of LGBTs in İstanbul), Lambdaistanbul, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) LGBTI Coordination, Istanbul LGBTI, Hevî LGBTI, GİLAD (Gay Two Sexuality Lesbian and Families Group), Conscientious Objection Association, Kaos GL Association, and Zeugmadi LGBTI. (ÇT/DA)
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