Letter of Detained Journalist Şık to bianet

In a letter sent to bianet, journalist Ahmet Şık described his detention conditions and his daily routine in the Silivri Prison west of Istanbul where he was detained on 6 March.
Şık wrote about the reasons of his arrest. He also described how the "stupid box" of the television became a crucial means of communication for him and said, "How many gaffes did I commit as a member of the untameable Ergenekon, an organization of notorious murderers and putchists; I am desperate to get to know".
"Attention please, detainees and convicts..."
In his letter, Şık describes the monotonous daily routine in prison with regular announcements via the loudspeakers, the counting, meals, newspapers and, as the journalist put it, "the luxury" of a television.
"In fact, considering that during the first week of custody and arrest we did not have any means of communication at all, watching television is really a luxury".
He mentioned that he and his fellow inmates, journalist Nedim Şener and Oda TV news portal Publication Director Doğan Yurdakul, were treated decently by the guards till now. "I hope this is the case for all the other prisoners as well", he commented. The kitchen as the common area in the middle of the single cells is under constant video surveillance.
Once a week, the prisoners are allowed to visit the canteen/kiosk and shop for a maximum of TL 200 (€ 100) to cover their basic needs like underwear, socks and other personal stuff. Sık remarked that whatever is available at the kiosk is not allowed to be brought to prison from outside. The detainees are allowed to see visitors once a week, except their lawyers, who are coming every day.
Referring to news about him in the media, Şık expressed his concern, "When I think about the reason for my arrest, it seems to be likely that the ones who write and talk about us in a positive way may be our cell neighbours soon".
"Lawyers come every day to ask how I am doing"
"The only thing that breaks the routine is the daily meeting with the lawyer. To tell the truth it is good for all of us. (...) ". All of my lawyers are my friends. They visit and come to ask how I am doing".
Even a lawyer called Tuncay Kılıç whom Şık did not know personally came to visit him and said that he was going to apply for co-plaintiff status together with a number of colleagues for Şık's case.
"I do not know why I am in prison"
"I do not know very well why I am in prison. I am aware that my arrest was politically motivated. My eyes are sharp enough to see that whoever touches [upon certain subjects] will get burned and who does not touch is being discredited and tried to by lynched".
"I have an analytic mind that does not depend on anybody. I know that democracy will not come to this country with the fake mask of freedom of the AKP [ruling Justice and Development Party] with their Islamic-fascist mindset and neither with the CHP [Republican People's Party] that works like the extension of the coup army whenever possible. Not to mention the MHP [Nationalist Movement Party] and its derivations".
"As far as a certain congregation is concerned that is seen as an NGO by some, I do not even want to argue with people who do not want to see that just another tutelage was brought to this country by the bureaucratic organization of the AKP that established a pragmatic relationship based on interest with this movement. In order to really see the truth of whatever is shown to them, I can only recommend them to take off their uniforms first".
"Now I am in prison because I have said all this and wanted to write about it in a book. Nobody should have a doubt about that. I am wrong though. My doubts are unfounded, my evaluations are unjust and wrong. So should I be accused of being an Ergenekon supporter?" (...)
"My side has always been clear: besides the oppressed"
"My greatest source was the Ergenekon file itself with the evidence folders. In fact, it can be a very rich source for whoever wants to do journalism and write books..."
"That is what I did. Did I make a mistake? My answer is no. Why? Because I was arrested. Would I do the same again? Certainly yes and I will do so".
"I also said this when I gave my statement at court. Ahmet Şık's journalism philosophy is based on one single foundation: To be the eyes for the blind, the ears for the deaf and the tongue for the mute. And this makes you biased. At the place of oppressors and the oppressed my side was always clear: on the side of the oppressed. Even without looking at the title".
"I am detained because I made journalism"
"I do not like power. I am not supporting any focus of force. My place is at the side of the ones who were made victims of the power and the focus on force. I know that this is exactly the reason why I was arrested. Because I am a journalist, I do journalism".
"Now let's see the facts essentially. This is the day to ensure that everybody understands the truth by writing, saying it and other actions..."
"You should know that I am detained not because I did not do journalism like some journalists but because I did make journalism".
"Stay in good health, see you". (EKN)