Journalist Nedim Şener Applies to ECHR

139 days after his arrest on 6 March 2011, journalist Nedim Şener applied to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).
Şener is being detained in the scope of the Ergenekon investigation into a clandestine ultra-national organization charged with plotting to overthrow the government of the Justice and Development Party (AKP).
In his application submitted to the ECHR via his lawyers, Şener claims a violation of Articles 3, 5 and 10 of the European Convention on Human rights regarding "the prohibition of torture", "the right to liberty and security" and "the right to freedom of expression" respectively. The journalist requests the international court suspend his detention as an interim measure.
"Şener's arrest intimidates journalists"
Şener's lawyer announced that they asked the ECHR to handle their petition with priority. The lawyer indicated that his client might be exposed to unfair treatment in case the court would not decide for this kind of measure.
He emphasized that the arrest of Şener had an intimidating effect on journalists and writers. He furthermore pointed out that Şener was identified as a target in the public by using unfair expressions and that this situation harmed his client's integrity.
Journalists Şık and Şener in prsion for 140 days
Journalists Şener and Ahmet Şık were taken into police custody on 3 March in the context of the Ergenekon investigation. They were both arrested three days later and have remained in detention ever since.
Government officials claim that Şık and Şener, detained for 141 days, were not arrested on the grounds of their journalistic activities but because of their membership of the Ergenekon terror organization.
Despite these allegations, no indictment has been prepared yet. (SÖ/EKN/VK)
* Ahmet Şık and Nedim Şener can be reached by mail under the address of the prison in Slivri/Istanbul: Silivri 2 No'lu L Tipi Kapalı Ceza İnfaz Kurumu B-9 Üst Koğuş, Silivri-İstanbul