Last Day to Object to ‘Environmental Plan’ of Canal İstanbul Project: January 28
* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
Click to read the article in Turkish
Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) İstanbul Coordination Council has prepared a sample petition of objection to the 1 to 100,000 Scale Environmental Plan of Canal İstanbul Reserved Construction Site changed by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization last month.
In the sample petition prepared by the Council, it has been underlined that the Change of Environmental Plan approved on December 23, 2019 and opened for evaluations and objections on December 30 will destroy forestlands, ecological and biological values, farming areas, basins and water bodies.
Objections can be raised against the Environmental Plan until January 28, the TMMOB İstanbul Provincial Coordination Council has informed the public further.
'There is inconsistency'
The sample petition prepared by the Council to be submitted to the İstanbul Governorship's Directorate of Environment and Urbanization has argued that the processes of planning and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Canal İstanbul project are against the law.
Underlining that the upper scale planning principles were not taken into consideration, the petition has indicated that "there is also an inconsistency between the own plan notes of the plan change and the the plan itself."
According to the petition, the change in plan does not serve public interest. "It is a project that disregards the rights of urban dwellers and usurps the right to life of the society and all living beings", the petition has emphasized.
Click here for the petition of objection (in Turkish)