İstanbulites Queue up to Object to Canal İstanbul: We are Worried for Next Generations

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Shortly after the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report of Canal İstanbul project has been opened to the comments and criticisms of the public for a period of 10 days, İstanbulites have queued up in front of the two İstanbul Provincial Directorates of Environment and Urbanization in Beşitaş and Ataşehir districts to object to the project.
Despite rainy and cold weather holding out in the city, hundreds of people wait in front of the directorates with their petitions, which takes them over an hour to submit due to the crowd.
CLICK - Who Prepared the EIA Report for Canal İstanbul?
'There is no democracy, but I am still here'
Waiting in front of the directorate in Beşiktaş district with their petitions, some citizens say that the problems of Turkey to be handled first are unemployment, education and healthcare among many others. Others are concerned about the destruction to be caused by the canal on İstanbul.
"I think democracy does not operate in the country, but I still think that the best thing I can do is to come here and submit a petition", says one citizen.
Another one raises concerns over the next generations: "Even though I will not bear the brunt of those consequences, I am worried for my children and grandchildren, I am worried for the new generation."
Most of the ones queuing in front of the directorates are middle-aged or older. We receive similar answers to our questions:
"I think the history, culture and economy of a city cannot be betrayed to such an extent. I have two children studying at university and they will waste 3-5 years of their lives for a canal they will perhaps never pass throughout their lives.
"There is a fault line. We are afraid of an earthquake. What you have taken away from the nature will come and get you in the end, in one way or another. The garbage to be created by Canal İstanbul is said to fill an island. Even the thought of such a garbage makes one afraid.
"As a sensible citizen, I know that democracy does not operate in this country, but I still use my democratic right and submit my petition.
'There is a risk of drought and earthquake'
"At a time when unemployment is so high and economy is in such a state, why does a project like that become a hot topic on the agenda?
"This Canal will do great harm to İstanbul. It will damage the natural order. There is a need for other projects. We do not want a crazy project or anything of that sort.
"It will lead to a great drought, this project might also trigger an earthquake risk. How will the power holders account for this?"
Due date for objections: January 2
Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) İstanbul Provincial Coordination Council has prepared a draft petition after the EIA report of Canal İstanbul project has been presented to the public by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.
The TMMOB has also indicated that citizens can submit their petitions of objection till January 2, 2020. (MD/DB/AÖ/SD)