Land Mines Undermine Relocation Efforts
TESEV's (Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation) international symposium titled "Internal Displacement in Turkey and Abroad: International Principles, Experiences and Policy Proposals" continued yesterday (December 5th) with three more sittings.
All mines should be cleared until 2014
Muteber Ogreten pointed out that displaced persons would live on a life threat on their return as both are consequences of the 20 year long conflict in southeastern Turkey.
He's put forward the responsibilities of the state and the NGOs for the solution of the problem:
* All anti-personnel land mines in stocks should be demolished in no more than four years.
* All mines already laid on land should be cleared in no more than 10 years.
* Land suspected to contain mines should be identified.
* Civilians should be effectively kept outside those areas until all mines are cleared.
Ogreten noted that Turkey should abolish all mine stocks till March 2008 and clear all mined land till 2014.
According to United Nations reports, there are 984 thousand 313 mines already laid on Turkish soil. Stock numbers go up to 2 million 979 thousand.
Initiative for a Mine-Free Turkey research shows that there are mines fitted around 182 settlements which are depopulated.
At least 68 people died in 62 incidents related to land mines in 2005. 28 of those were civilians, of whom 9 were children.(AO/EU)
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