Labour Confederations: Continue Initiative with a Sensible Approach

Labour organization representatives evaluate the recent developments concerning the Kurdish question, calling for steps towards democratization to be taken quickly. They also appeal to all people involved in the process to take the society's psychology into account.
bianet talked to the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions (DİSK) Secretary General Tayfun Görgün and HAK-İŞ Trade Union Confederation President Salim Uslu. Also TÜRK-İŞ conveyed their message for 29 October, the 86th anniversary of the founding of the republic.
Görgün: Solution within the democratization package
A holistic approach is needed: "The problem has to be tackled within the framework of democratization. The Kurdish question is not just an ordinary problem, it is crucial. We have already said that an approach to solve the Kurdish question on its own cannot be fruitful. It has to be a significant section within the democratization package. A result cannot be accomplished without lifting the obstacles inhibiting freedoms and unionization, changing the constitution and a general democratization".
Psychology of the society: "In this regard a psychology based on chauvinism has been set up in Turkey. This psychology affects millions of people. Therefore, this is not a problem which will be solved over night. There are so many victims, first of all and in particular the families of people who died or were injured in the clashes. There is a societal trauma. The society's psychology should be taken into account for the steps to be taken".
Uslu: Government has to take a step, DTP should contain themselves a little more
The government should continue: "I think the government took a brave and decisive step when the prime minister said 'we are not going to call off the initiative'. Now against all odds the government has to continue its determination regarding democracy. Steps need to be taken towards legal amendments for a realization of the democratic standards deserved by the citizens of this country".
The society's psychology should be considered by everybody: "Everybody should contribute to this process by keeping as calm as possible. Everybody who supports the government and the process should take the society's psychology into account.
Nobody says the PKK member should not come: Nobody feels disturbed by the PKK members returning to Turkey [in the context of the Peace Groups], it is the demonstrations that are disturbing. The DTP (Democratic Society Party) should not allow those demonstrations. They do not contribute to social peace; to the contrary they contribute to the legitimation of opposing the process. The DTP should use its political will-power and not speak the same language as the PKK:
PKK: The PKK should prove that they want peace. They could give the message 'we want to live in brotherhood, we left our weapons behind, we all suffered a lot.' If the members returning to Turkey could go to a particular family mourning the loss of a loved one and said 'We mutually shed the blood of our brothers and sisters until today. We want to live in peace, we want to share the pain', this would be a thoroughly humanitarian approach".
TÜRK-İŞ: The people calling for peace will win
Turkey Confederation of Trade Unions (TÜRK-İŞ) Chairman Mustafa Kumlu also mentioned peace in his message on Republic Day on 29 October.
"Atatürk, being aware of different ethnic groups with different religions and beliefs living in Turkey, did not say 'happy is the one who is a Turk' but he said 'happy is the one who says I am a Turk'. For him, the important point was not the descent, ancestors or roots, but what is with us here today. The 21st century is not a century of separation but of unity, it is impossible to live the 21 century as if it was the 19th century. Opposing the people voting for war in this world, the people calling for peace will win". (TK/VK)
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