Kosovo Declares Independence

Today (17 February), Kosovo’s parliament unanimously ratified the declaration of independence which the new Prime Minister Hasim Taci read out. Thus, Kosovo has unilaterally declared independence from Serbia.
According to the declaration, Kosovo will be a democratic republic which will respect the rights of all ethnic groups.
Serbia and Russia oppose independence
Serbia’s Prime Minister Vojislave Kostunica has accused the USA of “violating the international order for its own military advantages”, while Russia has called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council.
The declaration of independence was compatible with UN representative Martti Ahtisaari’s plan for a controlled independence.
According to this plan, Kosovo or any part of it will not become part of another country. The country will be monitored internationally. Its army will be limited and the rights of the Serbian minority will be protected by the government.
The majority of Kosovo’s two million inhabitants are Albanian, with 10 percent Serbs.
It is expected that many EU countries, among them Britain, as well as the USA, will recognise Kosovo’s independence within the week. Among EU countries, Cyprus, Romania and Slovakia had previously announced that they would not recognise independence.
Turkey has welcomed independence
According to the Anatolia Agency, the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed its respect and good wishes for Kosovo’s independence.
Since the NATO bombardments of Serbian forces in 1999, Kosovo has been administered by the UN. It is expected that after the declaration of independence around 2,000 EU personel would replace the UN. NATO forces are expected to stay. (TK/AG)
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