Increase in Unemployment Rate Continues in September: 11.4 Percent

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The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) has announced the labor force statistics for September 2018.
The number of the unemployed above the age of 15 across Turkey increased by 330 thousand people in September when compared with the same month last year and became 3 million 749 thousand people.
The rate of unemployment increased by 0.8 points in the same period and became 11.4 percent. Among those aged between 15 and 64, the unemployment rate increased by 0.9 points and became 11.7 percent.
Non-agricultural unemployment rate in the same period increased by 0.7 points and reached 13.5 percent. Youth (ages of 15 and 24) unemployment rate increased by 1.6 points and became 21.6 percent.
Among those who were employed, 19.2 percent was employed in agriculture, 19.6 percent was in industry, 6.9 percent was in construction, 54.3 percent was in service sector.
Labor force participation rate for women is 34.9 percent
Labor force increased by 598 thousand and became 32 million 813 thousand and 54 percent in September 2018 compared to the same period last year.
Labor force participation rate for women increased by 0.4 points and became 34.9 percent. For men, their participation rate increased by 0.4 points and became 73.5.
33.8 percent of employees are unregistered
In September 2018, rate of employees without any social insurance decreased by 1 percent and became 33.8 percent.
Non-agricultural employees who work unregistered did not change and became 22 percent. (HA/VK)