88 Thousand More People Unemployed in July

* Photograph: Anadolu Agency
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The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) has announced the Turkey-wide unemployment rate in July 2018 as 10.8 percent.
According to the figures shared by the Turkstat, in July 2018, the number of unemployed has increased by 88 thousand people in comparison with July 2017 and become 3 million 531 thousand people. The unemployment rate has also increased by 0.1 points when compared to July 2017 and increased by 0.6 points when compared to June 2018.
While the youth (ages of 15-24) unemployment rate has fallen by 1.2 points and become 19.9 percent in July 2018, the unemployment rate in the age group of 15-64 has increased by 0.1 points and become 11 percent.
Women's participation in workforce on the increase
In July 2018, the workforce has increased by 596 thousand people in comparison with the same month last year and become 32 million 796 thousand people. As for the rate of participation in workforce, it has increased by 0.3 points and been measured as 54 percent.
According to the comparisons made between the same periods, the participation in workforce among men has increased by 0.3 points and become 73.8 percent while the participation in workforce among women has increased by 0.4 points and reached 34.7 percent.
Increase in the rate of employment
The number of people employed in July 2018 has increased by 507 thousand people in comparison with July 2017 and become 29 million 265 thousand people. As for the rate of employment in July 2018, it has increased by 0.2 points and reached 48.2 percent.
While 19.7 percent of the ones employed in July have started working in the agricultural sector, 19.5 of them have been employed in the industrial sector, 6.9 percent in the construction sector and 53.9 percent in the service sector. (TP/SD)