Hayat TV’s Satellite Connection Cut Off

Hayat TV, which started its life last year with the slogan “Life’s all colors”, found itself unable to broadcast suddenly yesterday. The station personnel are saying, “They cannot shut us up”.
As Bianet, we went to Hayat TV’s studios in Dolapdere, Istanbul. There were people working all around the studio.
We asked Hayat TV employees their thoughts about their satellite connection being cut by the Türksat authorities on the grounds that they had supplied pro-Kurdish RojTV with images about Newroz celebration.
General director of Hayat TV Aydın Çubukçu says, “we did not receive any legal warning. We learned about the decision when they cut our broadcasting. But, the letter to the company from which we rent our frequency band was clearly threatening.”
Türksat general manager Özkan Dalbay’s letter to Turkovizyon, from which Hayat TV rents its frequency band, states that the demand to cut Hayat TV’s broadcasting came from the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK):
“In order that Turkovizyon’s broadcasting activities are not shut down completely by our company, we request that you cut Hayat TV’s broadcasting immediately and be more sensitive about the channels you will include in your digital platform.”
Thinking the decision is political, Çubukçu says, “This is an indication of the impatience of the Justice and Development Party. However, since we experienced similar experiences in the past, we are still on our job. They cannot shut us up, we will not shut up.”
“The Decision targets labor”
Newscaster Gözde Tüzer says their broadcasting policy is to be on the side of labor, democracy and class struggle. She thinks this is the reason for this action.
Sevda Karaca, who is the producer and narrator of the women’s program “Bread and Rose”, says the action means the voices of the women who are constantly exploited because of their social, sexual and national identities and who resist sexual discrimination in the media.
Karaca’s audience is getting ready to give a press release.
“The opponents of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) should act together”
Reporter Selma Gülbahar says they believe this station should stay open.
News director Mustafa Kara says they trust their viewers, who are the real force behind their station.
According Kara, who finds it rather interesting that right after Hayat TV, National Channel was shut down as well, the Justice and Development Party is trying to shut the voices of those who are against it. Therefore, everyone needs to unite against this threat. (BÇ/EZÖ/TB)