How Did 10 Child Workers Die in August?

According to the data of Occupational Health and Safety Council, at least 158 were killed on the job in August. Out of these, 10 were children.
The child workers were reported from the following cities: İstanbul, Samsun, Adana, Eskişehir and Rize. While some of them worked on daily wage basis, others were seasonal agriculture workers.
While some of them drowned in the pond where they wanted to cool down, others were perished by slamming into lamp posts which were far way taller than them.
According to the data of Occupational Health and Safety Council, 10 dead child workers were identified as follows:
* Çetin Akdoğan (10) fell into an irrigation canal in Adana province on his way to work.
* Seasonal agriculture worker Seda Nur Tatar (13) was riding on a shared-taxi which crushed into another shared-taxi in Samsun.
* Seasonal agriculture worker Ayşe Alda (13) and Zehra Alda (15) drowned in the reservation where they found refuge from the desert-like weather conditions.
* Delivery worker E.P. (13) has been run over by a car in İstanbul.
* Peasant Bedirhan Ok (16) has been killed by a sharp instrument as he was working with the rye in Eskişehir.
* Peasant İsmail Gür (16) has been killed due to the electricity wire caused by a tele-ferric line as he was walking along with his load of tea leaves in Rize.
* The head and right arm of textile worker Emin Halastar (16) has stuck in a machine. He was working on a daily wages with no insurance.
* Chemical worker and technical high school student Oğuzhan Çalışkan (17) has been killed by an electric wire in the third week of his 1 month-long internship in Kocaeli.
* Nurullah Yeşilyurt (17) has been run over by a lift. (NV/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.