158 Killed on the Job in August

According to the data of Occupational Health and Safety Council, at least 158 were killed on the job in August.
114 out of workers who lost their lives were men, 11 of them were women, 10 were immigrants and 10 were child workers.
Workers’ murders took place mostly in agriculture, transportation, energy and municipal/general works.
Workers died mostly because of the traffic/service accidents, electric shock and squezing.
135 out of 158 laborers were workers and workers in the civil servant position, 20 out of them were farmers/smallholders and 3 of them merchants.
1,270 workers died in last 8 months
In first 8 months of 2014, at least 1,270 workers were killed on the job. 97 workers died on January, 82 died in February, 122 in March, 121 in April, 417 in May, 146 in June, and 127 in July. (NV/MUY/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.