Happy Çarşema Sor to Yazidis

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Yazidis celebrate "Çarşema Sor" (Red Wednesday) today (April 15).
On the first Wednesday after April 13 each year, Yazidis celebrate the festival of "Çarşema Sor", which they believe that marks the day when the world was fermented by God and life on earth started.
Marking the first day of the year and believed to usher in spring, "Çarşema Sor" symbolizes greater goodness and heralds revival and good days.
The power of good, love and beauty
Releasing a message, the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) has celebrated the festival in following words:
"Çarşema Sor Festival is blessed as the total victory of the good, love and beauty and the defeat of darkness, evil and malice. With its context of a common social life in fraternity and peace, it is also important in that sense.
"Celebrating Çarşema Sor, the harbinger of spring and a new life, our party wishes that coronavirus pandemic fought by the whole world will come to an healthy end, the Ezîdî women still held captives by the ISIS will be freed and Salafis, the enemies of humankind, will thereby be deterred."
April, the bride of the months
HDP Batman MP Feleknas Uca has also shared a message about "Çarşema Sor." Indicating that April is called "the bride of the year" by the people of Mesopotamia, Feleknas Uca has stated,
"Fine threads (basımbar) are woven in green, red and yellow. The belief has it that the basımbar brings health, peace and abundance. Especially children wear basımbar on their wrists so that they will not get sick. It is a sin to spill blood on Çarşema Sor, in now way is a life claimed on Çarşema Sor. It is a must to have eggs painted in different colors on this holy day."
Uca has also made a call for solidarity with the Yazidi community, an ancient civilization of the Middle East. Expressing her wish that "Yazidi women and children still held captives by the ISIS will wake up to free days," Uca has also noted that while Yazidis have been celebrating this day with a heavy heart due to the massacres and attacks against them, they can now cannot celebrate it together due to coronavirus outbreak.
Concluding her remarks, Uca has wished a equal, free and peaceful world for all oppressed communities on the occasion of Çarşema Sor. (AÖ/SD)