Happy Çarşema Sor to Yazidis

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Yazidis, who believe that the first Wednesday of April according to the Julian calendar is a holy day, have come together at Lalish Temple in the district of Sheikhan in Iraq's province of Duhok to celebrate the festival of "Çarşema Sor" (Red Wednesday).
Believing that the first Wednesday after April 13 marks the day when the world was fermented by God, thereby starting life on earth, namely the first day of the year, Yazidis celebrate it as a religious festival.

Issuing a statement to celebrate Çarşema Sor, the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) has said, "Çarşema Sor Pîroz Be!" (Happy Çarşema Sor!).
In the statement, the sorrows and attacks suffered by Êzidî people have been reminded:
"They are trying to separate the Êzidî people from their values and their lands, thereby eliminating their historical memory and roots. This reality came again to light in the genocide committed by the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) against Êzidî people on August 4, 2014.
"Raising awareness about the threat of disappearance faced by Êzidî people in the Middle East and taking preventive measures against this threat should be the shared duty of not only Yazidis, but also that of all communities and even the whole humanity.
"On this occasion, we call all peoples, beliefs and organized progressive democratic powers to make efforts to protect Êzidî belief and society and to support the freedom struggle of Êzidî people."
*Photographs: Hemn Baban - Duhok / AA