Gül Makes Inaugural Speech
Following his oath-taking ceremony, Abdullah Gül this evening (28 August) made a speech in front of parliament in which he promised to stay faithful to the constitution's basic tenets of "a laicist, democratic, and social state governed by the rule of law".
He added that the protection of basic rights and freedoms was vital and that it was important not to lose sight of the target of an open society.
Gül's oath had not been witnessed by the Republican People's Party (CHP), nor the Chief of General Staff or the commanding officers of the army.
"A strong Turkey"
The new president said, a "strong Turkey" would need a strong economy, democracy and armed forces. "I am going to protect democracy and rights and freedoms. I am going to put all my efforts into working towards a Turkey where no one oppresses anyone else, where rights are protected, a Turkey which is internally strong and respected by others."
In his speech, he touched on the following issues:
Neutrality: I will embrace all citizens without discrimination. I will be strictly neutral. I will make all efforts to collaborate with state institutions.
Laicism: The basic tenets of the constitution are a whole. They are the basic principle of the Republic. I will strive towards strenghtening these principles without discrimination. Laicism is a rule of social peace which allows for different life styles. The principle of laicism is the one which makes clashes and conflict disappear. We have to hold on to the value of the principle of laicism, which also includes the freedom of religion and conscience.
Open Society: I want to draw attention to the faith that needs to be had in a democratic system. It is vital that people can seek justice, that they can use their rights and freedoms fully, both as individuals or as organisations, that there is an open society. We must not depart from the target of an open society in which all ideas can be expressed freely.
Differences are enriching: As long as the principles of the constitution are protected, difference and variety are our greatest wealth. It enhances our peace and order. We can look after the values that make us us better in a pluralist system. If even one citizen is discriminated against because of religion, language, ethnic characteristics or their economic situation, then that country is not a modern country. The base has to be a concept of service focused on people. There needs to be an awareness that everyone acting in the name of the state has the duty to protect every citizen's rights and laws.
Gender equality: Guaranteeing the equality of women and men must be a priority. I want you to know that every one of your steps in this direction will be supported by me.
Sense of justice, transparency and media: A legal state is based on establishing a sense of justice. The state must be a state in which the mechanisms of justice work fast, and where a sense of right is not damaged. Corruption and injustice shake social faith. There must be transparency in public life. We need a media aware of the responsibility of independence and neutrality, which informs individuals correctly. There must be equality of opportunity in education, the economy and in state provisions.
European Union: We must continue on the road to the EU in a decisive manner. We must implement reforms. In order to reach modern standards, we must, if necessary, show that we can open and close ourselves in the negotiations. Turkey will make its own decisions. We must implement reforms not because someone else wants them, but for our own people. It will be easier for a strong Turkey to overcome the hurdles on the road to the EU. Then there will be no point left to the hurdles anyway.
Turkey in 2023: In the year of the hundredth anniversary of the Republic, Turkey will have a well-established strong democracy, a strong economy, and a societal structure which values variety. It will be one of the strongest countries in the world.
Army: It is an unavoidable reality that we have to uphold the deterring force of the Turkish Armed Forces, a symbol of our independence. We must strengthen the hand of our security forces. The struggle against terrorist activities threatening Turkey's integrity will be continued with determination. Our principle must be, peace at home, peace in the world.
Sharing: It is necessary to share welfare under equal conditions in the whole country in order to consolidate the feelings of fraternity among people.
Foreign policy: There must be a basis for honourable international collaboration. Relations with the Turkic states are a historic responsibility. There must be active politics which makes use of opportunities.
Social state: The social state needs to take new steps in the spreading of the social security system, in health, education and scientific technology.
Full competition in the economy: A closed economy cannot be sustained. The channels of competition need to be open both domestically and to the outside. A strong economy has competition and values efficiency and productivity.
Relations with civil society: I will seek for parliament's support at all time. My door will be open to everyone. I will collaborate with all parties, and civil society organisations. (TK/AG)
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