Gay Referee Officiates Game in Alternative League

Halil İbrahim Dinçdağ, Turkey's first publicly declared gay referee, officiated his first soccer game in Istanbul's alternative soccer league last night.
Barred from attending referee entrance exams for Turkish Soccer Federation due to his sexual orientation, Dinçdağ received an offer to officiate games in Gazoz League, an Istanbul based alternative soccer league.
Last night, the gay referee officiated his first game between İstanpauli FM and Espora teams, with İstannpauli FM's 3-1 victory.
"It was like the old days"
"It's been ages since I last officiated a soccer game. It was very important for me," Dinçdağ told bianet.
"I used to officiate games organized by LGBT organizations. It was different this time, because tonight's [February 19] was held in full pitch with 11 players on each team. It was like the old days."
Dinçdağ also underscored the importance of all the support he received for his cause against a patriarch soccer culture.
Tonight, Dinçdağ will officiate another game between Etkisiz Eleman and Spartakistanbul. (ÇT/BM)