From Journalists to Arrested Colleagues: Though We Stay Home, We Won’t Stay Silent

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Formed by a group of journalists to raise concerns and publicity about the imprisoned journalists in Turkey, "Haberin Var Mı" (Have You Heard) Initiative has released a new video about their jailed colleagues.
The video has come days before the draft law on criminal enforcement is debated at the General Assembly of the Parliament tomorrow (April 7). Several journalists have demanded freedom for their imprisoned colleagues.
Speaking from their homes due to COVID-19 outbreak, journalists have said, "Though we stay home, we won't stay silent."
Salı günü TBMM yeni infaz düzenlemesini görüşecek, pakette gazetecilere tahliye yok. Yetkili yetkisiz herkese sesleniyoruz, hapisteki gazetecilerin virüs tehdidi ile yüzleşmeden serbest bırakılması için harekete geçin. #GazetecilerÖzgürOlsun
— Haberin Var Mı? (@HVMinisiyatifi) April 5, 2020
Releasing a statement, the "Have You Heard" initiative has said:
"Turkey is in house arrest. Metropolises are under quarantine. Several journalists are in newsrooms, on the streets. Over 100 of them are behind bars, waiting in hope 'if I will be out before the virus enters prisons.'
CLICK - 'Let Imprisoned Journalists Stay Home, Too'
"On Tuesday, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) will discuss the new legislation on criminal enforcement, the package does not foresee release for journalists. Because of such 'crimes' as making news, penning articles, expressing opinions and tweeting messages associated with 'terror', they have been excluded from a legislation that foresees release for smugglers, frauds and drug dealers.
"We are calling on everybody, with or without authority: Take action for the release of imprisoned journalists before they are faced with the virus threat. Raise your voice with ours. Freedom to journalists!" (RT/SD)
CLICK - Have You Heard Initiative: Journalists Should be Released Before Virus Enters Prison