‘Arrest is a Public Health Problem, Release Journalists Before It is Too Late’

* Photo: Journo / "Freedom to journalists"
Click to read the article in Turkish
Formed by a group of journalists in response to the detention of 28 journalists and arrest of eight others in Turkey since the beginning of March, "Haberin Var Mı" (Have You Heard) Initiative has requested the release of all arrested journalists in the face of coronavirus threat.
CLICK - #HaveYouHeard of Arrested Journalists in Turkey?
Launching a campaign for arrested journalists, the Initiative has prepared a video entitled "Injustice in the Time of Corona." Making efforts to raise concerns and publicity about their imprisoned colleagues on Twitter, the Initiative has published the following video in Turkish:
They have stated the following in the video:
Some journalists wrote the truths for years despite pressures. They were threatened. They were detained. They were arrested because they defended the truth. Now, they are vulnerable to corona threat behind bars. When the outbreak arrives in prison, the threat is immense. Cleaning supplies are limited, conditions are unhealthy. Isolation is more cruel now. There is no visitation. The right to make a phone call is limited. The worry is great, so is the longing. Release journalists.
'Arrest is a public health problem'
The Initiative has also released the following statement:
"Coronavirus has come to Turkey late, at least we guess so. The number of cases is on a level that will not strain the health system for now, at least we think so. Losses of life are said to be low, at least we hope so.
"But, we are sure of this: The occupancy rate of prisons, which also host over a hundred journalists, several politicians and students, is well above the capacity. It is rumored that some prisons are making preparations for quarantine wards and the number of people held in wards where transfers are made has reached serious figures.
"We are asking! How can this outbreak be curbed by keeping so many people in the same ward under the name of precaution? If Turkey has coronavirus cases in prisons like the UK, will these quarantines be enough? In the case of an outbreak in prison, who will shoulder the responsibility? Arrest is a public health problem, it concerns the whole society.
"Italy and Iran have released thousands of political prisoners and convicts due to coronavirus. According to the Turkish Penal Code (TCK), arrest is a precaution and a judicial process without arrest is essential. While borders have been closed across the world due to coronavirus, the claims that journalists will flee do not have anything to do with the reality!
"All journalists kept behind four walls just because of the news they reported, the tweets they posted and the words they uttered and all prisoners with their lives in danger should be released before it is too late." (HA/SD)