First Vegan Festival of Turkey in Didim
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Turkey’s first vegan friendly municipality Didim, which is a district of Turkey’s western Aydın province, will host Turkey’s first vegan festival on April 29-30.
The Didim Vegfest that aims a sustainable, ethical, environmentalist and healthy life is organized by Didim Municipality, Association of Vegan and Vegetarians (TVD), Didim Tourism Substructure and Service Union (DİTAB) and Tourism Researches Foundation (TURAD).
In the festival, vegan products will be exhibited, local flavors will be shared, and there will be concerts and workshops for both children and adults.
In addition to trekking, workshops of such as raw food, vegan food, local plants and brines are organized. Furthermore, alongside the workshops of drawing, yoga and fairy tale for children, the workshop of “communication of children and animals” in which there are no chains or leashes is among the festival activities.
In the festival, the “best of”s will be voted as well. By joining the voting on Internet, the participants will be able to convey their appreciation for the most successful vegan deserts, products, firms and venues.
The first municipality that declared to be a vegan friendly municipality was Barcelona, followed by Didim. (ÇT/TK)