Explosion in Ankara
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A massive explosion happened in the area of military housing in Turkey’s capital, Ankara at around 6:30 p.m.
Government Spokesperson Numan Kurtulmuş has announced casualties as 28 dead, 61 wounded.
It has been reported that the explosion occurred as military shuttles drove by.
Three shuttles and one private vehicle have been heavily damaged in the explosion.
Bomb squad defused the suspicious package by detonator.
Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) has imposed a broadcast ban as to the attack.
Davutoğlu cancelled Brussels visit
Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu was to fly to Brussels following the security summit at the Presidential Palace. Davutoğlu headed to Justice and Development Party (AKP) Headquarters following the explosion.
AKP Spokesperson Ömer Çelik posted “We will not let terror take over our country” on Twitter and added, “Terror wants to create an environment of horror. We all, notably our media shall prevent terror from spreading its horror. We will bunch up against this damned terror act by saying ‘I am Turkey’”.
Vice Prime Minister, Lütfi Elvan said, “We condemn it. It is very sad to face with such an explosion especially at a time when we were discussing a draft on human rights”.
Kurtulmuş: “An attack against our nation”
Government Spokesperson Kurtulmuş spoke as to the explosion as follows:
“Those who are behind this incident will be brought forward. This is not an attack launched only against military staff in the shuttle. This is an attack clearly launched against our entire nation. We condemn the attackers.
“I clearly express that we condemn certain intelligence, arm, ammunition and even political support behind it”.
Statement by General Staff
General Staff has made the following statement as to the explosion:
"A terror attack was launched on shuttles transporting Turkish Armed Forces staff through Merasim street to İnönü Boulevard as they waited by traffic lights at 6:31 p.m. on Wednesday, February 17, 2016.
"We strongly condemn this flagrant and dastardly attack, and I wish Allah's mercy and grace on our hero comrades in arms, citizens, and I wish a quick recovery for our wounded hero comrades in arms.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has cancelled its visit to Azerbaijan. (ÇT/NV/AS/TK)
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