Davutoğlu: Attack in Ankara Carried Out by YPG Member

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Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has made a statement regarding the explosion in Ankara killing 28 persons.
“YPG member born in Syria”
Davutoğlu has noted, “It came out that members of the separatist terrorist organization and a YPG (People’s Protection Units) member leaked out of Syria have carried out the attack. Nine persons are taken into custody, and the investigation will be continued.
“The name of the person who has conducted this attack is S... N... born in Amuda province in the Northern Syria in 1992. The direct link of the attack to YPG has been revealed. Nine persons have been taken into custody as a result of the intelligence and security works we have carried out. The investigation will be deepened and continued. The components involved in every stage of this attack will be revealed one by one and will be brought to justice”.
“The Parliament will continue its works”
“The main goal of the terrorist organizations is to shock, slow down and paralyse political and social life. Whatever happens, TBMM (Grand National Assembly of Turkey) will not pause the sessions in order to fulfill its duties entrusted by our people”.
“YPG can not sit on the Syria table”
“I call on the authorities once again after this attack, who wished to invite YPG to the table as if it was a democratic formation. Like Al Qaeda and DEAŞ (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), terrorist organization YPG also can not sit on that table. If it does [...] maybe it can take a seat among the murderers together with the killer regime, that’s none of our concern. The ones supporting the enemy organization directly or indirectly, are faced with losing their ally identity for Turkey”.
“Will retribute the pawns”
“We will with all power retribute this cruel formations and the pawns of external forces without any hesitation. We have all the evidences; where they came from, how they got organized, where are they and the terrorist organization...I don’t name all the details but it’s known to us and we will share these information to all countries. I will instruct the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today (February 18), the information will be shared with P5 members (Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council) in particular and with other countries and we will document the ones saying ‘YPG is not a terrorist organization’”. (NV/DG)