'Erosion' and 'landslide' risks mentioned in the final introduction report of İliç gold mine

It was revealed that the final introduction report submitted to the Ministry for the İliç gold mine where on Tuesday (February 13) the collapse of the cyanide pool resulted in nine workers still being trapped under soil and cyanide waste spilling into nature, mentions the erosion and landslide risks.
Anagold Mining Industry and Trade Inc. began operations at the Çöpler Complex Mine in 2009. Gold production commenced at the Çöpler Mine in December 2010.
Through open-pit mining activities, ore extracted from the field is processed to produce doré gold, silver, and copper cake.
The Çöpler Complex Mine is located 120 kilometers west of the Erzincan province by road, and 850 meters southwest of the İliç district, known to the public as the "İliç gold mine."
First EIA in 2008
As part of its open-pit mining activities, the company has been adding new facilities to the project since 2008, increasing its capacity, and almost at each new step, obtaining Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) approvals.
In the final presentation report, including Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports, concerns about "erosion" and "landslides" risks are extensively addressed due to the quality of the soil in the area.
The report consists of 1112 pages and has been submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change by SRK Consulting and Engineering Inc. on June 2, 2023.
Project field
According to the final presentation report submitted to the Ministry and the project plan, based on the digital soil map data prepared by the General Directorate of Agricultural Reform of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 2.60 hectares of the 5.83-hectare expansion area for the open-pit mine consists of brown forest soils and shallow (20-50 cm) soils. During the fieldwork conducted on May 4-5, 2023, it was observed that the eastern part of the field has a rocky and stony structure.
The dominant soil group in the project area consists of brown soils and brown forest soils. Another prominent soil group in the vicinity of the area is non-calcareous brown soils. Additionally, to the south of the project area, bare rocky areas are also present.
According to the report, "one common issue for both soil types is the thinness of the soil cover. Additionally, steep slopes decrease resistance to erosion. Furthermore, both soil types contain gravel and large stones."
"Brown soils are zonal soils consisting of different parent materials with ABC profiles. A and C horizons are visible in eroded areas. The natural vegetation of the project area consists of short to medium height grasses and shrubs," the report states and adds:
"According to the Land Use Capability Classification (LUCC) derived from the digital soil map for the project area, it is mostly observed that the majority of the area falls under Class VI and VII. These soils, unsuitable for agriculture, are characterized by steep slopes or shallow soil depth. Class VII areas exhibit characteristics such as steep slopes, rockiness, erosion, and shallow soil depth, making them unsuitable for agricultural purposes."
According to the 1112-page report:
- Stockpile storage activities will be conducted in a manner that does not cause erosion or landslides, and no dumping of stockpiles will occur in unauthorized areas.
- Roads to be constructed as part of the project will be excavated using excavators in a manner that prevents soil slippage from slopes downwards, and maintenance and repairs of these roads will be carried out.
- Prior to commencing mining activities in areas designated for operation under the project (open-pit mines, stockpile storage areas, vegetative soil storage areas), corner points will be marked, and the markings will be preserved during the permit and rehabilitation monitoring process.
- Additionally, waste oils and other parts of the machinery to be used within the project scope will not be disposed of in forested areas.
About Anagold Mining
Anagold Mining Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company was established in Ankara in 2000 under the name "Çukurdere Mining Industry and Trade Limited Company." Initially, the company started its mining activities as a subsidiary of Anatolia Minerals Development Limited, headquartered in Denver, USA, and traded on the Canadian stock exchange. Anatolia Minerals, in partnership with Avoca Resources Limited, Australia's third-largest gold producer, merged to form Alacer Gold Corporation.
In 2009, Anagold Mining was established as a joint venture between Çalık Holding's Lidya Mining, led by Berat Albayrak as CEO, and Alacer Gold, owned by Anatolia Minerals.
Alacer Gold announced its merger with Canadian-based mining company SSR Mining in 2020. It was announced that the new entity resulting from the merger would continue its operations under the name "SSR Mining."
Since 2010, Anagold has been operating the Çöpler Gold Mine in İliç, Erzincan, with 80% ownership belonging to SSR Mining and 20% to Lidya Mining.
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