DTP Calls On PKK to Declare Cease-Fire
"We hope that the PKK will not fail to address this appeal and believe that it will give a positive reply" Turk said on Monday.
Turk also appealed to the Turkish parliament and government as well as all state organizations to play a part in finding a democratic solution to the problem while inviting intellectuals, democrats, writers, political parties, business and labor circles to do the same.
The DTP chairman's cease-fire appeal was made at a press conference held at the headquarters of the party where Diyarbakir Metropolitan Mayor Osman Baydemir, Tunceli Mayor Songul Abdil and former co-chairwoman Aysel Tugluk were present.
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Turk stressed that it was vital for the society to come out of the atmosphere of tension and seek a peaceful environment in Turkey and said "it is evident that the problem will be solved in peace and democracy and on political platforms, and that lasting solutions can only be achieved with democratic dialogue."
He added that with 30 thousand killed in the conflict already and material damage in excess of 200 billion dollars, the crisis was now being reflected upon with recent developments in the Middle East.
"With the negative developments in the recent months" he said, "together with the chauvinist wave that is already placing dynamite under the future's Kurdish and Turkish unity, the desire to live together has never before received a blow like this" Turk said.
He warned that recent tension in the society and reaction between the communities was taking a frightening turn but also noted tat the increase in civil society initiatives to seek peace were promising.
Turk recalled the past four unilateral cease-fires of the PKK and said these had not been addressed or made use of and that doing so was the responsibility of political circles and the state as well as the whole of the civil democratic society.
Saying that to create an environment of peace, democracy, equality and well-being and solving the main problem while creating a mutual future was a pressing demand in front of the society, Turk added their cease-fire call was "for the next generation not to live in pain and tears but to live in peace, love, tolerance and happiness".
"PKK declaration meaningful"
Turk also said they regarded a two-stage peace declaration made by the PKK on August 23 as a meaningful step in creating a democratic solution and peace so that both could be lasting.
"If the PKK declares a cease-fire" he said, "we believe that it is a must to create the conditions for this cease-fire to become durable"
In its declaration the PKK had issued two demands to declare a cease-fire and listed these as the Turkish state issuing a statement reflecting its will for dialogue and solution while ending operations in Southeast Turkey and lifting the heavy isolation conditions imposed on its imprisoned leader Abdullah Ocalan. (KO/II/YE)
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