Violence Towards Children Escalate in 2006
"Children were subject to violence at home, at schools, on the streets and in police stations in 2006", adds Gundem Children's Association.
On a broad scale, negative incidents over weighted positive improvements last year, regarding children's situation in Turkey.
Ongoing armed conflict in southeastern Turkey threatened children's lives while acts of violence involving children noticeably escalated in numbers.
Mainstream media's coverage of such incidents mostly resulted in another violation of the rights of the children involved, as journalists continue exposing children against all ethical guidelines and legislative orders.
While this was the case in Turkey, children around the globe suffered in all possible ways. Wars in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine claimed lives of many.
On the other hand, some positive developments also took place, notably some legislative improvements with regard to the infamous Law on Protection of Children and the establishment of a parliamentary commission on violence at schools.
By the end of 2007, 1500 working children in seven cities are planned to return to schools as a result of an ongoing project to tackle child labor.
A prospective look
Seda Akco lists the priorities in 2007 as follows:
* A protective system including preemptive action must be planned and put into effect. A dedicated phone line must be established with this respect.
* Collaboration and cooperation between different institutions responsible to protect children must be established. NGO's must monitor this process.
* Legislative changes should be done to respect children's rights who are in conflict with the law.
* All public servants dealing with children such as teachers, doctors, police, lawyers and judges, should be educated on children's rights.(KO/EU)
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