Displaced Romani Found New Homes in Salihli

Romani settlements in the town of Selendi in the province of Manisa on the Aegean coast were subject to a racist attack in the night of 6th January. Eight of the displaced families found new homes in the town of Salihli on Saturday (9 January).
As reported by Manisa Denge newspaper, a total of 26 people were welcomed in Salihli by other Romanis with drums and horns.
Akhisar Contemporary Romani Association President Eroğan Şener told bianet that the other Romani families still remaining in the district of Gördes are going to be settled in Salihli as soon as possible.
According to Şener, the governor's office covers the rent for the first six months. Furhter aid will be given after the basic needs of the families have been determined. The children will be registered at local schools. Şener indicated, "Salihli offers many business opportunities". The association president said that Manisa Governor Celattin Güvenç takes efforts to provide the displaced Romanis with jobs.
Manisa Denge newspaper numbers the rent for the accommodation of the Romani families with TL 200-300 (€ 90-130). Before the families came to settle in, the houses in the districts of Seyrantepe and Özyurt were cleaned by the municipality and repairs were taken care of by the governorship. The Governorship furthermore allocated 500 kg of coal to each house. The Salihli Municipality provides other needed goods.
"We want the responsible people to be punished"
A delegation formed by Selendi Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Mayor Nurullah Savaş, MHP General President Deputy Mehmet Ekici and MHP Manisa MPs Mustafa Enöz, Erkan Akçay and Ahmet Orha paid a visit to Gördes on Sunday (10 January). Savaş announced, "We are an entity with the Romanis", calling the Romani to return to Selendi. However, the Romani families that were exposed to the attack are determined not to come back.
Şener said that the Romani understood Mayor Savaş's approach as a gentle gesture, but that they could not forgive the ones responsible for the attack. Romani organizations took legal steps to become included in the trial that is going to be filed, Şener told bianet. "The Romani request prosecution and punishment of the responsible people".
Şener indicated that the report regarding the attack is supposed to be published within this week.
Tensions had started on New Year's Eve when a Romani person was told "No tea for gypsies" in a coffee shop and had eventually turned into a fight. More than 1,000 people attacked the regions pre-dominantly inhabited by Romani. Houses, tents and vehicles of the Romani were torn down or set on fire; tables and windows were shattered. The attackers shouted slogans like "Selendi belongs to us and it will remain ours" and "We don't want Romani in Selendi".
Later on, 76 Romani people were brought to the district of Gördes.
Some of the Romani people who were attacked said that provocation by Mayor Savaş had its stake in the incident. Savaş denied such allegations. (TK/VK)
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