Circulation of newspapers, magazines has dropped by half in Turkey in the last 10 years

* Photo: Gerard Koopen
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According to the "Print Media Statistics" for 2019 released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) today (July 20), the number of magazines and newspapers dropped by 8 percent in Turkey.
The total number of newspapers and magazines was 5 thousand 485 in 2019, marking a decrease of 8 percent when compared with the previous year. 57.4 percent of these publications were magazines.
CLICK - Circulation of Newspapers and Magazines Falls by 17.6 Percent
* Number of newspapers and magazines by years, 2010-2019
According to the figures shared by the Institute, the total annual circulation of newspapers/ magazines decreased by 8 percent in 2019 compared to 2018.
The total annual circulation of the newspapers/ magazines published in the country was 1 billion 259 million 68 thousand 89 in 2019 and 94.2 percent of this was newspapers' circulation.
Moreover, when the annual circulation of newspapers and magazines is considered, is seen that it has dropped by half in the last 10 years.
* Annual domestic circulation of newspapers and magazines by years, 2010-2019
90.8 percent of newspapers published in 2019 were local, 7.3 percent national and 1.9 percent regional. As for the magazines, 65.9 percent was national, 29.5 percent was local and 4.5 percent was regional.
83.6 percent of the total annual newspaper circulation was national newspapers, 15.7 percent was local and 0.8 percent was regional.
For magazines, 83.7 percent of total annual magazine circulation was national magazines, 12.9 percent was local and 3.5 percent was regional.
23.4 percent of magazines published monthly
29.7 percent of the newspapers were published weekly, 28.5 percent of them two-six times a week and 17.8 percent were published monthly.
23.4 percent of the magazines were published monthly, 21.9 percent were published quarterly and 16.7 percent were published biannually.
The 88.5 percent of total annual newspaper circulation was daily newspapers, 7.9 percent was from the newspapers published two-six times a week and 2 percent was weekly newspapers.
For magazines, 62.1 percent of the total annual magazine circulation was monthly magazines while 9.8 percent was quarterly, 8.7 percent was weekly magazines and 7.8 percent was bimonthly.
89.3 percent had political/news/actual content
89.3 percent of the newspapers had political/news/actual content while 2.1 percent of them had sector-specific/professional content and 1.7 percent of them had local administration content. 17.9 percent of the magazines had sector-specific/professional content while 14.1 percent of them had academic and 9.5 percent of them had education/examination content.
9.8 percent of newspapers gave supplements
The 9.8 percent of the newspapers and the 7.2 percent of the magazines published gave supplements.
According to the administrative data of Press Advertising Agency (BİK); the total official announcement and advertising fees increased by 2.8 percent in 2019 compared to 2018 and reached 467 million 41 thousand 82 TRY.
* Official announcement and advertising fees by type and year (TRY), 2016-2019