Circulation of Newspapers and Magazines Falls by 17.6 Percent in 2018

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According to the statistics shared by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) today (July 25), the number of newspapers and magazines fell by 2.6 percent in comparison with 2017 and became 5 thousand 962 in 2018. 58.7 percent of these publications were magazines.
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* Blue: Newspapers; Purple: Magazines
Annual circulation on the decrease
As for the total annual circulation of newspapers and magazines, it also fell by 17.6 percent in 2018 when compared to the previous year.
Accordingly, in 2018, the total circulation of Turkey-based newspapers and magazines was measured as 1 billion 368 million 287 thousand 463. Newspaper accounted for 94.2 percent of this total circulation.
* Total circulation of newspaper by years (in billions)
91.3 percent of newspapers did local reporting
In 2018, 91.3 percent of newspapers did local reporting, 6.9 percent of them did mainstream (national) reporting and 1.8 percent of them did regional reporting. As for the magazines, while 64.3 percent of them were published across Turkey (mainstream), 31.4 percent of them came out at the local level and 4.3 percent of them at the regional level.
While mainstream (national) newspapers comprised 81.6 percent of the total circulation, local newspapers comprised 17. percent and regional ones the remaining 0.7 percent. As for magazines, while the mainstream (national) ones constituted 75.6 percent of the total circulation, local magazines constituted 20.9 percent and regional ones 3.6 percent. (HA/SD)