CHP Responds PM's Remarks on Angry Mobs

"PM Erdogan claimed that Turkey's two main opposition parties attempted to provocate the Kurdish deputy wind up crisis. He should instead focus on resolving the ongoing crisis with all his administrative powers," CHP Interim Chairperson Umut Oran told bianet.
"Does PM Erdogan ever remember that he has two governors in these two cities? Isn't that their duty to prevent such crisis from happening? Dear PM, our people don't believe these tricks anymore. You have all your administrative powers, so you will resolve all the issues. And you can't resolve them by criticizing the opposion or reminding past incidents."
Oran also reminded that no CHP members were involved among angry mobs in Sinop and Samsun wind up incidents.
"First of all, we are wondering who saw a CHP member in the Sinop incident. Our local representative already made statements confirming this. PM should instead focus on what kind of measures police took to prevent the wind up indcidents from growing worse. PM should tell what orders his government gave to local authorities to resolve the crisis."
Altay: "I can dislose AKP members in Sinop incident"
On the other hand, CHP deputy Engin Altay claimed that some members of AKP's youth organization were involved in the angry mobs crisis.
"PM claims that CHP and MHP members were involved in angry mobs in the wind up case. But I will disclose a name who used to be in administrative position of AKP's youth organizations and joined Tuesday's angry mobs. I will disclose this name to PM Erdogan."
Engin Altay also criticized PM Erdogan's harsh remarks on Sinop mayor who was taking care of his wife on cancer treatment while the angry mobs stormed up the city. (ÇT/BM)