Breast Feeding Woman Beaten “You are Breeding Terrorist!”

On October 2, special operations team launched an operation in 28 districts of İstanbul and detained 52 people from Dicle News Agency (DİHA), Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and Özgür Gündem daily; 15 of them were arrested for committing crime against the government. 17 of 52 detainees were females and 4 of 15 arrested persons were also females: Ayşe Karadağ, Tengazer Yılmaz, Meliha Varışlı and Betül Katurman. They are in Bakırköy-a district of İstanbul- Prison right now.
Women from HDP told the torture they were exposed to.
In a press statement made by Kongra Jınên Azad/Free Woman Congress (KJA), police officers who tortured women under detention and doctors who didn’t evidence the torture and they would make an allegation against them.
Lawyer Narin Yılmaz emphasized the case was hidden from her due to confidentiality order and they learned the detention reason from the media.
Examination at 3 a.m.
Gülistan Aydın from HDP İstanbul 3rd region Election Coordination:
“We were put in cells at 6.30 p.m. They told us we were going to be examined at the hospital and put us in handcuffs. We sat in an armored police vehicle. It was 3 a.m.
“There was Özgür Gündem daily editor Hicran Urun. Police called her ‘Damn terrorist!’ by pulling her hair and beating. I shouted ‘Hey, what are you doing?’ This time they called me dishonorable terrorist and punched me.”
Polis: You aren’t worth wearing headscarf
“They beat all of us in police vehicle through the road. 65-year-old women were with us. Police officers tried to tear up their hand scarfs saying ‘You aren’t worth wearing headscarf!’
To a breastfeeding woman: “She even has a bastard”
“When a friend said she was breastfeeding, they shouted ‘Look, she even has a bastard! You are breeding terrorist!’ We came to the hospital, but the doctor had fun with us instead of listening to us.
“Where did you dye your hair?”
“After the examination, they shouted ‘Where did you dye your hair?’ to 63-year-old district head of HDP in the vehicle and tore her hair out.
"They made us recite National Anthem"
“Police officers made us recite National Anthem: “I will kill you if you don’t say you are a Turk!”
“We are going to kill you if you say something”
Bağcılar district head of HDP, Sebiha Bozan, told she said to police officers she had hypertension and asthma so the dosage of torturing increased.
When Avniye Tanrıkulu said to the police officer she had epilepsy, police officers:
“Damn bitches! You are fit as a fiddle when you are outside, so you become ill when you are in the police car. We are going to kill you if you say something at the hospital.” (ÇT/BD)
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