Anti-NATO Fair in Kadıköy
The coalition is
calling on all pacificists to come to the fair on the Asian side of Istanbul.
“NATO has been trying to show its strength with the occupation of Afghanistan for years. Despite the excessive violence and the blood spilt there, NATO and the USA are being beaten in Afghanistan. As war and occupying forces are not achieving their goals, pacifists all over the world are raising their voices in protest.”
The two-day programme is as follows:
Friday, 13 March
13:00 Opening (participation of first
signatories of the coalition, intellectuals, artists and journalists) 14:30 Anti-War
16:30 The Role of the Media in War
18:00 Concert: Grup MARSİS
Saturday, 14 March
14:30 Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine...
17:00 Youth Debates NATO Forum
18:00 Concert: TENEKE TRAMPET
There will also be stalls, conversations, music and games throughout the day. (TK/AG)
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