Another Coup Plan Revealed

Taraf newspaper's front page story of the daily's Wednesday issue (20 January) stirred up the Turkish media by reporting about a coup plotted by the armed forces. Apparently, a group of people mapped out a 5,000 pages strong plan from the end of 2002 till March 2003 called the "Balyoz ('Hammer') Operation Plan.
According to the news, the then 1st Army Commander Çetin Doğan was designated for the leadership of the coup. He is referred to as "Balyoz Martial Law Commander". The plan is signed by İbrahim Fırtına, Army Academy Command at the time and later on Air Force Commander and by Özden Örnek, then navy commander. It furthermore includes minutes written by Colonel Süha Tanyeri, Head of the 1st Army Operations.
As reported in the first part of the news published by Taraf on 20 January, certain information from the documents can be summarized as follows:
Friend and foe
The Balyoz plan was aimed at "once and for all eliminating the obstacles to the movement of a secular and democratic order without rising the obstacles' reasons again".
As far as the analysis of the enemy situation is concerned, the government of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and interventions of the USA and the European Union are counted for as "reactionary groups" and "divisive elements". The opposition parties are said to make characterless, low-key opposition just to save the day.
The analysis of the ally situation yielded the result that groups of "allies of the movement" are among those people voting for AKP. Several further decisions are listed, for instance: controlling the high rank officers of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) who are not allies of the movement; providing coordination for reference related to the recruitment of TSK staff to organizations like the Contemporary Life Support Association, the Kemalist Thoughts Association or the Youth Union; economic operations of "allied elements" outside TSK; media events; closely following social responsibility projects; providing coordination; opposing "all sorts of contrary propaganda and legal amendment initiatives" and aligning the ideas and activities of the opposition parties.
Regarding 137 journalists cooperating with Taraf newspaper, 36 are going to be arrested. The names of these 36 journalists
The plan included the names of 137 journalists collaborating with the putchists. 36 of them were going to be arrested and Taraf newspaper was supposed to continuously publish information on the following events.
Bombs on mosques, an airplane crash, low flights over the parliament
Among the actions intended to lead to the declaration of martial law there were plans with the code names "Chador", "Beard", "Suga" or "Thunderstorm". All these plans comprise actions to create disorder.
The "Thunderstorm" plan for example:
Crashing a plane: Bringing down a war plane and blaming Greece for shooting at the plane; put forward the government's incapability.
Performances: Organizing shows on invitation by the 134th fleet command every second day regarding industrial chambers, business environment and bar councils; distribution of gifts to the public and to children in particular.
"Two shows will be organized in Istanbul. Kadıköy military students, private soldiers and non-commissioned officers will take part in civil clothes. The second show is going to be organized in Fatih Çarşamba. On the same evening, "people dressed in gowns, turbans and chadors will attack the aviation museum with Molotov cocktails and green flags and will cause destruction". "Groups in favour of the Shari'a" will attack the air force regular army. After this, the situation will be handled without waiting for the authorization of the armed forces territorial commanders, firearms and weapons will be used if necessary".
Aircraft flying over the parliament with low altitude: "Activities will be continued uninterrupted" until the government declares martial law. The Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO) will be invited to an air show performed above the city centre. During the show, "planes will fly at a very low altitude" above the parliament to "make them feel the presence of TSK".
Bombs on mosques: The "Chador" plan targets the Fatih mosque, the "Beard" plan aims at a bomb attack on the Beyazit mosque. The latter mosque is known in particular for being very crowded on Fridays. According to the plans, bombs are going to explode in the mosques before the Friday prayer. After this, "provocation teams" will instigate shopkeepers around the mosque and abet them to "protest by shouting slogans and voicing their reactions". The bombs will cause more injuries than deaths. At the same time, camera teams will be installed inside the mosques and start live broadcasts. The plan includes information on who will be appointed for those live broadcasts which will be directed from Ankara. The plan provides for the use of false names and rented cars and indicates the use of "secure mobile phones". (TK/VK)
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