40 Dog Seized for being ‘Dangerous’, Who is the Dangerous One?
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According to the annual report by the Animal Rights Monitoring Center and Committee (HAKİM) on animal rights violations, 40 dogs were seized according to the “dangerous breed” notice in Turkey in 2016.
The Animal Protection Law No. 5199 designates Pitbull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and Fila Brasileiro breeds “dangerous”. It is prohibited to “breed, have them adopted, sell and advertise, trade, exhibit, give as a gift”. According to the information notice of the Ministry of Forestry, if you own a dog of those breeds, you have to record and neuter them, and have to walk them with a leash and muzzle.
However, attorney Hülya Yalçın says, “Unfortunately, there are only commonplaces in those notices. When there is a complaint, they seize animals through public force even though the animal didn’t do anything”.
“When one gets angry with his/her neighbor, he/she files a complaint against the dog. Many animals were seized in such complaints, their owners suffered a lot”.
The seized animals are left for dead
The seized animals are sent to shelters, which are referred as “concentration camp” by animal rights defenders. Since they are considered “dangerous” by the law, it is not possible to have them adopted. They are closed to visit and kept in closed compartments.
Underlining that animals are made “dangerous” by people, HAKİM coordinator Burak Özgüner says:
“It is not the animals who need to be punished. Despite the notice, these animals are still sold at the pet shops. So, there is no measure to prevent the crime. Then the dogs, who are not aware of what is going on, are made to pay the price”. (ÇT/TK)