24 Women and 6 Men Killed in August

According to bianet's evaluation of local and national newspapers and news agencies, male perpetrators killed 24 women and six men in August 2011. Three of the culprits committed suicide, one attempted to kill himself.
In August this year, 17 women were raped, 51 women were treated violently, eight women experienced harassment and nine children were exposed to abuse within the family. Hence, men killed a total of 179 women and raped 71 women in the first eight months of the year.
Most cases of violence in August were reported for the Marmara region (north-western Turkey) and the least cases were registered in the Eastern Anatolian region.
Male culprits murdered 24 women and six men in 17 provinces in August. Three men committed suicide after their offence; one attempted to kill himself. One woman killed her boy-friend who had treated her violently.
The highest number of women murders was registered in Izmir (western coast) where five women were killed followed by three women murders in Istanbul, two in Adana and two in Ankara. The remaining women murders were committed in Antalya, Çorum, Eskişehir, Giresun, Kastamonu, Kütahya, Manisa, Maraş, Sakarya, Uşak, Van and Zonguldak.
Twelve women were killed with guns, five women were stabbed and one woman was beaten to death.
The majority of murdered women were killed by their husbands in the course of divorce cases after they had been followed by their future ex-husbands. The youngest woman killed was 21 years old, the oldest 63 years of age. The perpetrators were aged between 17 and 78.
In Manisa, a man killed the father of his wife who had left him. In Istanbul, a father was killed by his son because he bet his mother. In Maraş, a man killed the older brother of his wife. In Sakarya, a man killed the husband of his sister because he was beating her. In Istanbul, a policeman killed two brothers of his wife and wounded three other relatives.
In Istanbul, a man accidentally killed a female by-passer when he attempted to murder the mother of his wife. One woman was injured in the incident. Again in Istanbul, two men attempted to kill their ex-wives; one of them tried to bury his former wife alive, the other one tried to throw his ex-wife off the balcony.
17 women were raped by men in eleven provinces. Most rape cases were reported in Istanbul and Antalya. A total of three rape cases were registered in Istanbul, three in Antalya, two in Adana, two in Alanya and two in Muğla. One rape case each was reported for the provinces of Balıkesir, Denizli, Maraş, Samsun and Zonguldak.
The majority of raped women were attacked by friends of their husbands and husbands involved in divorce cases. Nine women were raped at home, three on the street.
The women exposed to rape in August 2011 were between 17 and 45 years old. Their molesters were between 26 and 60 years of age.
Violence treatment - Injuries
51 women in 21 provinces were injured by men in the eighth months of the year. Adana takes the sad lead with six cases of violence and injury followed by five incidents in Ankara and five in Istanbul. Other cities where incidents regarding violent treatment and injury were registered are Antalya (2), Gaziantep, Bolu, Bursa (4), Denizli, Erzurum (2), Eskişehir, Iğdır,), İzmir (3), Kayseri (3), Kırklareli, Kocaeli (3), Konya, Mersin (2), Samsun (3), Tekirdağ, Tokat and Urfa (4).
29 women were wounded by their husbands, five by their boy-friends, four by their soon-to-be ex-husbands in ongoing divorce cases, two women by their former husbands and two by their sons.
32 women were exposed to physical violence. Ten women were wounded with knives, six with guns. Two male perpetrators attempted to commit suicide after they had injured their wives. One woman attempted to kill herself after she had been treated violently by her husband.
Women involved in incidents of violence/injury were between 17 and 83 years of age. Their attackers were between 20 and 86 years old.
Eight men who were summoned to court because of violent treatment of their wives were released. Four men were arrested, one received a restraining order by court.
Eight women in five provinces were harassed in August, most of these cases occurred in Istanbul. Three incidents were reported in Istanbul, two in Samsun and one each in Adana, Bursa and Eskişehir.
Male culprits attempted to rape three women. Four women experienced sexual harassment. One woman announced in the social media that she had been sexually harassed on the phone for several months after the identity of her harasser could not be determined.
The women exposed to harassment were aged between 17 and 47; their assailants were between 25 and 87 years old.
Child Abuse
Nine cases of child abuse in seven provinces were reported for August. Two incidents of child abuse happened in Aydın, the others in Bursa, Antalya (2), Kayseri, İzmir, Muğla and Konya.
Seven out of these nine children were abused by their fathers. One teacher was arrested on the grounds of alleged abuse of his students. One mother tortured and later on killed her child.
The children exposed to abuse were between nine and 17 years of age. Their attackers were all in their 40's. Eight people were arrested because of child abuse.
Regional Distribution
In August 2011, 107 women and children in 34 provinces were exposed to violence, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape, injury and child abuse. Most of these cases were reported for the Marmara region. The smallest number of cases was registered in the Eastern Anatolian region.
Out of a total of 107 incidents that happened in August, 28 occurred in the Marmara region, 23 in the Mediterranean, 18 on the Aegean coast, 16 in Central Anatolia, 13 in the Black Sea Region, five in South-East Anatolia and four in the Eastern Anatolian area.
The city where most of the incidents were reported was Istanbul (14) followed by Adana (9), İzmir (9), Ankara (7) and Antalya (7). (ÇT/VK)