10 Dead In Diyarbakir, Yet No Investigation
The Association's Deputy Chairman Reyhan Yalcindag, interviewed by Bianet, said "there is no need to make a criminal complaint related to the deaths. The prosecutors have to act on their own to start a preliminary investigation. But we are yet uninformed of any procedure being started until now. If there is, they should come out and disclose it".
IHD: Bullets and blows to fatal areas
The Association's report highlights the following:
* Security forces did not use firearms on 28 March 2006 when the incidents started, until about 17:00 local time. However, as of approximately 17:00 hours, many people were injured and lost their lives as result of security forces opening fire.
* It has particularly attracted attention that bullets from firearms and blows delivered by objects hit fatal areas such as chests and heads.
* Security forces have used gas bombs, pressurised water and firearms while intervening in the protestors. They opened fire using short and long range firearms not into the air - but targeting the demonstrating crowds.
* While gas bombs used to disperse the crowd should have been fired into the air, firing it directly on the crowd has revealed a deliberate action to violate the right to life.
10 dead including 5 children
According to the association report, information on those who died is as follows:
Mehmet Akbulut (18): "He was heavily wounded as result of injury by firearm when security forces opened fire in the centre of the province on 28 March 2006. He lost his life on 31.03.2006 at the Dicle University Faculty of Medicine where he was being treated. According to the autopsy report, his death was result of liver damage, internal haemorrhage and shock due to haemorrhage, related to injury by firearm bullet."
Halit Sogut (78): "Halit Sogut, who was heavily injured due to a blow delivered to his head by security forces with a hard object at around 14.30 on 28 March 2006, lost his life on 2 April 2006 at the State Hospital where he was placed under treatment."
Tarik Ataykaya (22): "Furniture worker. On 29 March 2006 between 13:30 and 14:00 he was wounded when security forces opened fire near Hayat 2 apartment on Baglar Medine Boulevard (beside the Metin Furniture facility behind the Rice Factory) and died the same day at the State hospital. According to the autopsy report, he died as result of brain damage and haemorrhage related to injury by firearm bullet (gas cartridge).
A section of what witnesses told IHD: " Security forces wearing Special Team uniforms and carrying firearms appeared across us. They numbered about 6-7. They were haphazardly shooting. They were kneeling on the ground and aiming at the crowd; they were not firing into the air. At that moment there was a big commotion. Everyone started to run away. While we ran off scared, I heard a gunshot behind me. When I turned to look, I saw Tarik on the ground and went to him. Tarik had lost consciousness at that point. (...) We took Tarik into the building right beside us. We rang the door of one of the flats there and told them to phone for an ambulance. While we were inside the building we washed his face and at that time we realised he had received a blow to his head.
Mehmet Isikci (19): "Furniture builder. He was taken to the State Hospital after receiving a concussion from a blow with a hard object used by security forces on Emek High Street at around 17:30-18.00 on 29.03.2006 and died there shortly after. Those who witnessed the incident were relatives living in the building opposite to where the incident took place. According to the autopsy report, he died as result of head, chest and inner trauma, fracture of skull, brain hemorrhage, internal hemorrhage due to right lung and liver rupture and shock from hemorrhage."
Abdullah Duran (9): "Elementary school student. Abdullah Duran lost his life as result of security forces opening fire at around 17:30 on 29.03.2006 while, together with his family, he was watching the incidents in the streets from the balcony of the house they lived in. His uncle Mehmet Duran has stated that bullets had also passed through the jacket his other nephew Eyup Duran was wearing while on the balcony. According to the autopsy report, he died as result of internal hemorrhage and hemorrhage shock related to injuries of the heart and both lungs by firearm bullet."
Enez Ata (8): "Elementary school student. He lost his life as result of being hit by a bullet when security forces opened fire again in Kurucesme district during the incidents that erupted on 30 March 2006 while the funeral ceremony of 3 civilian citizens whose rights to life was violated by security forces on 28 and 29 March was being held."
From Enez Ata's father's account: "At around mid-day on 30 March 2006, my son Enez Ata came home earlier than usual saying they did not allow them entry into the school. It was around 13:20. After taking off his uniform apron, he said he would go to his aunt who lives very close to our house and left the house. As I thought he had gone to his aunt, I was initially at ease. Later, at about 15.00, I phoned his aunt. But she told me Enez had not gone there. Upon this our family started to look for him, we went to our relatives, we went to the school. But the school was totally empty. After looking for him for several hours I returned home where I received a phone call from my aunt who said some people had seen Enez wounded and in someone's lap on the television. Whereon I went to the Children's Hospital Emergency Service but he was not there. After that I went to the State Hospital. When I saw the dead body of my son at the Emergency Service, I lost myself. The prosecutor who arrived for the autopsy showed me the bullet that had lodged in his body (between his heart and stomach). I recall they forced me into a car; the police sent us to the Cinar district Asagikonak Village where our birth registry is held; they did not allow us to burry my son in the cemetery in Diyarbakir."
Mahsun Mizrak (17):"PVC foreman, glazier. Although witnesses have seen him being detained on 30.03.2006 by the 10 Nisan Police Station, his family received no result from applications made to the police stations, bar association, IHD, Security Directorates and hospitals. Finally, on 03.04.2006 at 18:00 the family went to the State Hospital and learned that his body had been held at the morgue since 30.03.2006 as an unidentified corpse. According to the autopsy report, he died as result of brain damage and haemorrhage caused by firearm bullet (gas cartridge)."
Emrah Fidan (17): "High school 3rd grade student. As result of injury due to security forces opening fire in the provincial center on the afternoon of 29.03.2006, he was placed under treatment at the intensive care unit of the Dicle University Faculty of Medicine and lost his life at around 08:00 on 03.04.2006. According to the autopsy report, he died as result of firearm pellets and brain hemorrhage."
From Emrah Fidan's father's account: "My son Emrah Fidan left the house at around 15:00 on 29.03.2006 and when he did not come back home towards the evening we got concerned. Because of this we went to the hospitals and asked. At the State Hospital Emergency Service they showed me a document in which the name 'Emrah Fidan' was written. We looked into the rooms with the nurses but could not find him. Upon this we went to the police stations and asked. I went to the Security Directorate to ask and a policeman there shouted at me saying '.... off and ask Osman Baydemir about your son!.." and threw me out. That night I couldn't find a trace of my son anywhere. The next day I went back to the State Hospital. The police there told me that my son had been lightly injured in the foot. On 30.03.2006 we went to the D.U. Faculty of Medicine and asked. They first showed us his clothes.; he had his identification document in the back pocket of his trousers; despite this he was entered in hospital records as Nursin Dogansahin. He remained in intensive care and at about 08:00 on the morning of 03.04.2006 he lost his life.
Ismail Erkek (8): "Elementary school student. He lost his life as result of being hit by a bullet when security forces opened fire again in Kurucesme district during the incidents that erupted on 30 March 2006 while the funeral ceremony of 3 civilian citizens whose rights to life was violated by security forces on 28 and 29 March was being held."
Mustafa Eryilmaz (26): "As result of security forces using disproportionate and excessive force and using firearms on 29 March 2006 he was heavily wounded after which on 31 March 2006 he lost his life. Because his family was not allowed to bury the body in Diyarbakir, it was buried in Silvan." (TK/II/YE)
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