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Emine Özcan
Page 5
12 Dead in Battle in Southeast
In a battle in Sirnak 3 soldiers and 9 PKK militants died, while 5 soldiers were wounded. Military operations continue in seven provinces in Turkey.
2 April 2008
Workers Protested against Social Security Law
Following a call by trade unions and professional chambers, workers all around Turkey protested against the draft Law on Social Security and General Health Insurance. 5,000 demonstrated in Istanbul.
2 April 2008
Conscientious Objector Savda in Police Custody
After reading a press statement for the Solidarity Initiative for Ismail Saygi, conscientious objector Savda was himself taken into custody. The IHD has called on parliament to recognise the right to conscientious objection.
28 March 2008
Two Deaths at Newroz Celebrations
In some cities in the southeast of Turkey, the governors did not allow Newroz celebrations to take place. Two people died in Van and Hakkari. Hundreds of people were taken into police custody.
24 March 2008
Newroz: “Our Message is Peace!”
As preparations for a big Newroz celebration in Diyarbakir are nearing their end, some say “we have to go for peace.” However, others fear trouble and will stay away.
20 March 2008
Conscientious Objector Arrested
Conscientious objector Ismail Saygi, who was taken into custody on 16 March, has been arrested. His supporters have planned a campaign for today.
19 March 2008
Women Oppose Categorisation into Covered/Uncovered
Under the slogan “We look out for each other,” over 1,000 women have signed a statement condemning the categorisation of women into those who are covered and those wo are not.
19 March 2008
AKP Closure: What Do the People Think?
Bianet asked people in the street what they thought about the attempt to close the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).
18 March 2008
Photo Gallery: International Women’s Day in Kadiköy
12 March 2008
A Tale of Two Rallies on Women’s Day
Two rallies in Istanbul on International Women’s Day had very different flavours. One was more concerned with protesting against the headscarf than calling for women’s rights.
10 March 2008
IHD Activists Call for “Peace” in Many Languages
On Wednesday, the peace commission of the Istanbul branch of the Human Rights Association staged a protest for peace and a solution to the Kurdish question in Taksim.
6 March 2008
Striking Shipyard Workers Beaten and Detained
In order to protest against the appalling safety and working conditions at the Tuzla shipyards, trade unions started a strike on Wednesday. 86 people were detained, and some were beaten.
28 February 2008
Military Operations Provoke Violence and Do Not Solve Kurdish Issue
DTP politicians have called for an end to operations and violence in general. Journalist Akad criticises the mainstream media for misleading the public.
26 February 2008
An “Exam” for Turkey’s Democracy: Hrant Dink and Malatya Trials
Yesterday there were hearings in the Hrant Dink and the Malatya murder cases. Whether or not all the shady connections in the murders will emerge will decide on the future of Turkey’s democracy.
26 February 2008
Tuzla Shipyard Workers Announce Strike
In the last seven months, 18 workers have died on Tuzla shipyards. The Limter Is trade union has announced a strike from Wednesday, 27 February.
25 February 2008
Tuzla Shipyards: Accident, Death and Dismissal
On Friday a shipyard worker in Tuzla was injured, and another died on Saturday. Trade union and association members have been dismissed.
17 February 2008
Opposition to Nuclear Energy Raising Its Voice
As the rest of the world is trying to find alternatives to nuclear energy, Turkey is just launching its plans for the first two sites. Environmentalists and local groups are protesting.
13 February 2008
Labour Organisations Tell Minister of Employment to Do His Job
After an explosion in an illegal fireworks factory killed 23 workers and injured over a hundred people, trade unions and professional associations reminded the Minister of Employment of his duties.
7 February 2008
"Democracy and Human Rights: Where are we?"
Yesterday, the European Commission's Turkey Delegation organised a panel on democracy and human rights, where academics and the chair of the Prime Ministerial Human Rights Presidency discussed the current state of Turkey.
5 February 2008
Rights Activists Protest Against Militarism
IHD members gathered in Taksim on Saturday to protest against the rise in militarism and nationalism in Turkey: “Don’t kill anyone and don’t make anyone else kill."
27 January 2008
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4 New Books Released
A BIA Approach to Rights Reporting
BIA launches a four volume series on rights reporting. Introduced to media professionals in the weekend the series is the outcome of training workshops for journalists and rights activists and focuses on a rights approach to reporting.
22 January 2008
Roma Call for Support Against Destruction of Neighbourhood
The Roma of Sulukule have called on the public to protest against the destruction of their neighbourhood to mayors, the President Abdullah Gül and Prime Minster Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
4 January 2008
Deadly Blast in Diyarbakir Kills 5, Wounds 67
The explosion of a car in Diyarbakir Thursday evening causes the lives of 5, including school children. 67 people reported wounded, 3 of whom seriously.
4 January 2008
Turkey Stops Smoking!
Turkey is considering introducing a ban on smoking, an idea which is provoking very mixed reactions.
3 January 2008
2008 Year of Anti-Nuclear Struggle
In 2007, a law on nuclear power was passed, gold mining activities increased, and the Kyoto Protocol was not signed by Turkey.
1 January 2008
One Month Closure Penalty for Yürüyüs Magazine
The Yürüyüs magazine featured Kevser Mizrak, who was killed by police in a raid on her home, on its cover. It has been punished with a one-month closure.
26 December 2007
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Remembering the Maras Massacre in 1978
According to official numbers, 111 people, mostly Alevis, died in the Maras Massacre from 19 to 25 December 1978. The ÖDP has called on Turkey to face up to its history.
26 December 2007
Opposition to Operations
The European Peace Parliament, the Human Rights Association and the Labour Party have protested against cross-border operations: "Violence has not solved anything up to now."
18 December 2007
Yes to Kyoto, No to End of the World
Around a thousand people gathered in Kadiköy, Istanbul, at the weekend to call on Turkey to sign the Kyoto Protocol and to protest against the planned nuclear power plants.
10 December 2007
"Let Australia Be an Example for Turkey"
Ümit Sahin of the Greens said that Turkey, like Australia, should commit itself to the Kyoto Protocol before the end of the Bali Climate Change Summit.
7 December 2007
Journalist Bal: I Have Done Nothing Wrong
On trial for not informing legal authorities about the funeral he was filming, reporter Bal has had to defend himself in court.
23 November 2007
“Eight Soldier Hostages Arrested as Deterrents”
Retired military judge Kardas criticises the condemnation of the eight soldiers for “not dying”. Journalist Akad sees the arrest of the soldiers after their release as an attempt at deterring further cases of surrender.
13 November 2007