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Ayça Söylemez
Page 19
ECHR Condemns Turkey Over Detainee Death
ECHR judging as to İskender Özpolat killed in police operation in Diyarbakır and Mehmet Özpolat who lost his life in the hospital where he was taken after being battered has ruled that Turkey violated right to live.
27 October 2015
Released Elçi Slams Jurisdiction, Government
Diyarbakır Bar President Tahir Elçi has been released on the condition of judicial control after his testimony was taken in the judicature due to his words “PKK is not a terrorist organization”.
21 October 2015
Forensic Expert: DNA Results may Come Out Even In A Day
Forensic Expert Prof. Dr. Ümit Biçer who was one of the investigators of crime scene of Ankara bombing told how the evidences are collected and how the identities of the perpetrators and victims are found out.
15 October 2015
Recusation Demand in Lice Trial
It has come out that retired Colonel Hatipoğlu didn’t attend the hearing of Lice trial heard in İzmir and gave his testimony alone, thereupon victim attorneys claimed for recusation.
8 October 2015
Two Freedom of Expression Violation Verdicts by ECHR
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that charges pressed against Günlük Evrensel newspaper writers Ahmet Sami Belek and Savaş Velioğlu, and Müdür Duman from HADEP are violation of freedom of expression and condemned Turkey to indemnity.
6 October 2015
The Police Raid into Journalist’s Home
The police made a raid on journalist-author Gülşen İşeri this morning and put a gun against her family members’ heads.
20 August 2015
HDP Deputy Talks over Curfew in Eastern Province
HDP Hakkari Deputy Selma Irmak told people were overreacted, they had a terrible night and buildings were full of bullet holes in Varto/Muş providence.
17 August 2015
Ertuğrul Kürkçü: Silopi People Want Peace
HDP İzmir Deputy, HDK Co-Spokesperson Ertuğrul Kürkçü told “Everyone wants peace in Silopi. They say ‘We don’t want the death of soldiers and policemen beside our sons.’
13 August 2015
"To Keep Funerals Waiting is Illegal”
Funerals of 13 YPG and YPJ members have been kept waiting for 10 days near Habur Border Gate and aren’t allowed to enter Turkey. Officials say it’s the decision of Council of Ministers but the families and lawyers aren’t informed officially.
3 August 2015
Lawyer Öndül: Peace Government Should be Formed
Lawyer and defender of law, Hüsnü Öndül, “A war government shouldn’t be formed, the democratic public opinion should press for the negotiation process.”
28 July 2015
Prisoner Kaczynski Mentioned in Scottish Parliament
Jim Eadie, Member of the Scottish Parliament, made a motion to PM David Cameron related to prisoner Steve Kaczynski in İstanbul, Turkey.
22 July 2015
Police Torture Nonsuited: Not a Systematic Battery
Complaints of 30 people, 2 of them were lawyers, who were allegedly tortured by police during Gezi Park Resistance in Eskişehir province were nonsuited since “it wasn’t a systematic torturing.”
15 July 2015
Reading Books “Criticizing the State” is Forbidden!
Imprisoned British Kaczynski is on hunger strike for 15 days since he doesn’t have his books. Prison Warden said “I can’t allow communist-fascist books in prison.”
10 July 2015
Military Attack in Roboski towards Morning
Soldiers open fired towards morning in Roboski; five mules were killed and houses and cars were hit by the bullets. HDP Şırnak Deputy Encü told people hadn’t life safety.
30 June 2015
News Website Fined 5,250 Turkish Lira for Insulting Female Unionist
News Website was fined 5,250 Turkish Lira for insulting Unionist Banu Aşçı by publishing her photo titled “The sexiest unionist” on May Day.
25 June 2015
Lost his Legs to Mine, He Recovers Damages after 15 Years
His legs amputated 15 years before since he stepped on mine, Ercan Bozkurt took the case to the European Court of Human Rights. Bozkurt has right to compensation now.
24 June 2015
Decision of Non-jurisdiction in Uğur Kantar’s Case with Judgement “Qualified Torture”
Diyarbakır 11th Criminal Court of First Instance gave ruling that the offence was “qualified torture” and decided of non-jurisdiction in case of Uğur Kantar.
14 May 2015
Constitutional Court Investigates the “Neutrality” of the President
Individual application of Atilla Kart from CHP on grounds of the President Erdoğan’s violation of right by using state authority is under investigation of reporters. Kart made a second application for verdict to be given before the elections.
7 May 2015
Police Asks Permission to Blacklist, Lawyers Are Restricted
Police asked permission from the prosecutor to monitor the lawyers who came to help and support the detainee in the Court House. Prosecution restricted lawyers from accessing the case files.
5 May 2015
20 “Internal Security” Detentions on May Day Protests
20 people were detained and arrested on May Day protests. Lawyers who wanted to accompany judicial procedure were battered in the Court House. Gökmen Yeşil from ÇHD identified the situations as “the first practice of internal security law”.
5 May 2015
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“So Sad and So Happy for Finding Bones of My Relatives”
Journalist Miyase İlknur whose relatives had been massacred in Dersim Province of Turkey shared her feelings. She felt both happy and sad when she saw the bones which were digged in mass grave. Lawyer Söylemez said that criminal research regarding massacre would be made for the first time.
21 April 2015
Journalist Barış İnce Fined 10,620 TL for Insulting Erdoğan
BirGün newspaper journalist İnce on trial for insulting then PM Erdoğan and son Bilal Erdoğan has been fined 10,620 TL for “offending persons’ honor, reputation and respectability”. The court did not abate the sentence because İnce was not seen to “show regret”.
17 April 2015
ECHR: Turkey Cannot Take Back The Severance Paid to Veli Saçılık
ECHR gave its verdict on Veli Saçılık whose severance pay for getting his arm torn off in a prison operation was recalled after the case at the Council of State: Turkey cannot ask Saçılık to give back the indemnity paid him. The ECHR also warned Turkey to take its verdicts seriously.
14 April 2015
Autopsy Done, Courthouse Hostage Perpetrators’ Funeral Today
Özgür Yılmaz, an advocate who observed the autopsy of two perpetrators of Istanbul Courthouse hostage crisis, told bianet that authorities refused to hand him a copy of the preliminary autopsy report.
2 April 2015
Traces Found For “Disappeared” Children in Dargeçit
Another mass grave was discovered in the southeastern district of Dargeçit. Families of the disappeared people applied to court for further investigation.
31 March 2015
“Demonstration Penalty” Cleared After 10 Years
Following an ECHR ruling that their rights were violated, a retrial of 9 defendants who were jailed for attending a protest in the southeastern district of Cizre ended with an acquittal.
19 March 2015
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Armored Police Vehicle Crushes Protestor in Istanbul
Cemil Kurt, a protestor who joined Berkin Elvan commemorations on March 11, has reportedly been ran over by an armored police vehicle and suffered from spine, leg and arm injuries.
18 March 2015
Police Torture Convicted After 15 Years
The European Court of Human Rights found Turkey guilty of violating torture and inhuman or degrading treatment ban in the case where police officers were acquitted for torturing Şükrü Yıldız on the grounds of “self-defense”.
17 March 2015
ECHR Punishes Turkey For "Unclaimed Mine Explosion"
The European Court of Human Rights ordered Turkey to pay damages for failing to fair trial in the case where 3 children were affected by a mine explosion in Diyarbakır province in 1999.
17 March 2015
3 Different Case Procedures For “Hitler-Seeming” Erdoğan Banner
A banner depicting Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in a Hitler-like mustache resulted in 3 insult cases across Turkey with different procedures.
16 March 2015
RedHack Case Defendants Acquitted As No “Trace of Crime”
13 defendants have been acquitted for being a RedHack member and plotting a cyber attack on Ankara Police Headquarters as “no crime has been formed”.
16 March 2015
Advocate Applies to Ministry to Find Brother’s Missing Body
Turan Ece, an advocate who lost his PKK guerrilla brother in 1994, officially urged authorities to return his brother’s grave and confiscated personal belongings.
13 March 2015