We Will Survive This Hell without You

He who yells with joy, smiles, waits impatiently for the death toll to increase, benefits the dead politically or financially after a horrible massacre which gave a deep shock to people that have even a little empathy must know that we will survive this hell sooner or later. However, it is certain we leave this hell without you. Beware of it.
Each society lives in their own deserved hell. You and people like you who build a life on hatred, grudge, self-pity and persecution became a hell to us. At least, you thought so!
Moreover, you boasted it with arrogance. Whatever we did…it didn’t help. Heaven and earth moved, street animals succored the troubled people, you were expected to say something, feel something. You didn’t bat an eyelash. You benefited from each disaster, each pain and complaint in order to justify your accustomed evilness, hatred, untrue, inhuman and incompetent lifestyles and you questioned the authenticity, innocence and loyalty of mourners in order to legalize your rotten lives.
And you succeeded: There are you and us who are emotionally, politically and humanly polarized.
There is you who stop at nothing to make money hand over fist, to rule, to persecute, and to destroy all differences hostilely and there is we who resist against the hatred, believe in life, equality, freedom, justice and solidarity and struggle for them, on the other side. You didn’t realize while you are creating the duality, turning against us and demonizing the defenders of rights, justice and equality that this hell is not for us, but it is for you. As Burhan Sönmez quoted in his nice book from Mansur al-Hallaj, “Hell is not the place we suffer in, hell is a place where no one sees us suffering.”
You deliberately created a society and a world that are deaf and dumb. You don’t care since you are overcrowded with peace and comfort and with richness you gained. You don’t care because you are in power. Just don’t care. We don’t have our eyes on your belongings. Have your untrue lives, fake connections, so-called ‘precious’ assets that mean nothing but money and ruling for you and have your ‘flamboyant’ things with you. You only aimed to play off against us but we are here and we are together. Enjoy your new hell!
You haven’t understood something: Each place, each moment, and each life that you turn into hell with the help of curse, arrogance, blood and sorrow, your lives also become hell. You will continue to deceive yourselves since you do not understand!
Corpses of children that you kept in the fridges, bodies that you butchered because they wanted peace, families of unidentified murder victims that you battered in the courts, human souls that you tortured because they wanted justice are not hell to us; they are precious to us. They are both sorrow and resistance for us. We will find a way together to survive and to build a new life even if you drowned us in sorrow.
It is you that wander in vain in a poor world while you are becoming rich, it is you that lose while burning in flames of desire for power, and it is you who constantly deceive yourselves while persecuting others!
You will understand sooner or later. Be deaf and dumb if you want. Ignore the truth with panic and revenge. This accustomed evilness that you hardened with the state power will chase after you forever. However, you are wrong if you think you will be relieved when you destroy us. You already keep this wickedness alive when we aren’t there. You know by heart the malignancy, ruthlessness and shamelessness as we know by heart love, passion, mercy and friendship.
In other words, we couldn’t banish your impertinently spilling evilness after this kind of massacre. It became a worry to us but you couldn’t either intimidate or destroy us and you cannot. You learn to live with it! They say ‘Fear is in the eye of beholder.’ Our eyes are filled with fondness, love and compassion that there is no place for fear. We aren’t either afraid of you or the state oppression. We weren’t and we will not! (ZY/HK/BD)
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