“The Military Officials Not Interrogated”

"No military officials, including commanders in the region have not been interrogated so far" announced Diyarbakır Special Authority Prosecutor in charge of the Roboski massacre investigation.
34 civilians from the villages of Gülyazı (Bujeh) and Ortasu (Roboski) were killed in a military aerial strike on 28 December 2011 in the Uludere district (south-eastern province of Şırnak).
Wall Street Journal newspaper reported that U.S. drones spotted some images before the bombing known as Roboski massacre.
"Intelligence is received by Turish Armed Forces" told Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Turish Armed Forces and denied the news.
While the discussion of intelligence were on the agenda, the main question arised: Who gave the order for the bombing?
Interior Minister Şahin was the first one who made an official announcement: "Turkish air force that analyzed Heron images gave the order of the bombing in Roboski"
"It's the fault of the people who evaluated the intelligence and gave this order" told Deputy General President of the Justice and Development Party (AKP)
The officials of the prosecutor's office are waiting for documents
"We have not taken the testimonies of the military officials yet. We'll take the testimonies after completing the phase of receiving the documents and information" announced officials of the prosecutor's office.
"We demanded the necessary information and documents from the Presidency of General Staff and the process is prolonged as General Staff is gathering these documents from the related institutions" (AS)