Ten Years of Freedom of Expression - II: 2011-2021
“Ten Years of Freedom of Expression - II is a continuation and complementary book "Ten Years of Freedom of Expression 2001-2011" published in 2012. It documents the continuities and ruptures between these two ten-year periods. Project implementation period is 24.02.2022 - 01.12.2022.
“Ten Years of Freedom of Expression - II” project aims to report on various forms of harassment practices clamping down on press freedom and portray their effects on the media environment within the last decade. Hence it provides a source for journalists, researchers, policy-makers, and citizens to analyze today and contemplate ways to form an enabling media environment.
The project targets all individuals who are already interested in the decline of press freedom and aims to provide them with a source of information. In particular, it aims to empower journalists, media workers, researchers, academics, policymakers, and other stakeholders seeking to improve press freedom in Turkey. In addition, the book can be useful to international researchers who are working on Turkey or carrying out comparative studies on authoritarian, populist leaders.
Main activities of the project were to publish Ten Years of Freedom of Expression - II: 2011-2021 Book with the aim of reporting on various forms of harassment practices clamping down on press freedom and portraying their effects on the media environment.
With the book, IPS also highlights the specific issues that women and LGBTI journalists are enduring within the whole clampdown of the press freedom picture. Therefore, IPS/bianet had two chapters to cover the gender dimension of this phenomenon. Further, IPS considered equal representation amongst the criteria regarding the selection of authors.