Journalism for Rights, Freedom for Journalists
The project titled "Journalism for Rights, Freedom for Journalists" was supported by the German Consulate General in Istanbul from May to December 2024.
Within the scope of this project:
- The scope of the quarterly bia Media Monitoring Reports, which highlight the current state of freedom of expression, evaluate media practices, and serve as an advocacy tool, was expanded.
- Efforts were made to build stronger relationships with local media and journalists.
- The regular updating of the bia Media Monitoring Database was ensured to document and monitor rights violations against journalists and press freedom.
- An online guide focusing on "Journalists' Rights and Advocacy Strategies" will be published. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of journalists' fundamental rights and defense strategies, serving as a valuable resource for their protection and advocacy
Two separate workshops were conducted with local journalists in Hatay and Malatya, two cities affected by the February 6-7, 2023 earthquakes.
On November 22, 2024, the "Journalists Exist with Their Rights" conference was held at Bilgi University.