YSK Rejects HDP’s Application for Complaint Expressing “The President isn’t objective”

Supreme Electoral Council of Turkey (YSK) rejected unanimously Peoples’ Democratic Party’s (HDP) application of complaint expressing that the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan behaved against the electoral law in the same day.
In HDP’s application of complaint, it was stated that the President Erdoğan wasn’t being objective:
“We hope that the Supreme Electoral Council will take precautions in order to hold the election in a proper and honest way and will warn the presidency to follow the rules and we are waiting to be informed about.”
“The President behaves like ruling party’s headman in defiance of oath of neutrality and against the constitutional neutrality for a long time. He exploits the state funds in other words our peoples’ money, he participates in ceremonies and he holds meetings. Erdoğan makes statements against HDP’s Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş and other opposition parties’ leaders (uttering their names and the content of their election programs) while he’s exploiting the religion and the holy symbols.”
“Since 10 March 2015, the date when election campaign began, President Erdoğan has held meetings in 7 different cities of Turkey and participated in ceremonies. These political meetings have been broadcasted on Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) while he has been making propaganda of Justice and Development Party (AKP) and he has wanted vote for AKP deputies. He has pointing firstly our party and then other opposition parties’ leaders as a target in an accusing, libelous and manipulative. Erdoğan’s been saying all the time ‘There lies only one party in my heart’ and so he’s pointing out his party ‘AKP’.” (AS/BD)
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