Yıldırım: US Should Take First Step for Solution

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Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) Speaker Binali Yıldırım has spoken about economic developments in 10th Conference of Ambassadors.
Saying that “Turkey is close to economic sanctions imposed by political accounts”, Yıldırım stated that Turkey will successfully overcome the crisis.
Highlights from Yıldırım’s statements are as follows:
“Respect the law”
“I once again urge the administrations and circles behind the negative campaign to respect rule of law, Turkish judiciary and international law.
“The only way for the solution is to give up the efforts to subdue Turkey by asymmetrical hostile statements.
“The US] should seek solution by respecting our laws instead of imposing its demands through sanctions and president’s irresponsible tweets”.
“The US should take the first step for solution”
“We believe that there is still chance for solution and the matter should be approached with consideration.
“It is the US administration which has to take the first step and come to a consistent stage”. (EKN/TK)