Yeni Şafak Newspaper Reprimanded by Press Council

As reported on 13 October, the Press Council issued a reprimand to the Yeni Şafak newspaper on the grounds of the headline "You are the murderers" and the corresponding photograph of deputies of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) as published on 18 August.
BDP Co-Chair Hamit Geylani complained to the Press Council about the news in the Yeni Şafak daily. The Press Council evaluated the issue upon the complaint and ruled for a reprimand.
In the complaint, Geylani claimed that publishing the pictures of BDP deputies under such a headline would clearly define them as targets. He argued that they were members of a political party that is also represented in parliament. Targeting these deputies did not comply with the professional ethic rules of the press, Geylani criticized. He put forward that the Yeni Şafak newspaper violated both the professional press rules and the law with this news.
The news entitled "You are the murderers" was made about the death of twelve soldiers in Çukurca on 17 August. Right below the headline, the liberal-conservative daily published the photographs of BDP Hakkari Deputy Selahattin Demirtaş, BDP Siirt Deputy Gülten Kışanak, Independent Deputy for Mardin Ahmet Türk and Independent Deputy for Van Aysel Tuğluk.
Before the decision for the reprimand, the Press Council asked the Yeni Şafak newspaper for a written comment but did not receive any response.
Violation of three articles
The Press Council ruled for a violation of Articles 4, 9 and 13 of the Professional Principles of the Press i.e. "Expressions about persons or institutions that exceed the limits of criticism and include humiliation, degradation or defamation shall not be published", "No one can be declared 'guilty' before the court has decided for the guilt of a person" and "refraining from publishing encouragement to violence and tyranny and to harming values of humanity".
The decision for the reprimand was given by majority vote. (YY/VK)