Workers to Protest Against Paying The Price for The Crisis

On Sunday, 15 February, trade unions have organised a protest march against unemployment and corruption. They are being supported by professional organisations, such as the Turkish Union of Chambers of Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), and socialist organisations such as the Revolutionary Socialist Workers’ Party (DSİP), the Platform for a Healthy and Safe Future for Everyone (HSGGP) and the Platform for Socialist Solidarity (SODAP).
"We will not pay the price"
Mehmet Soğancı, chair of the TMMOB, said, “The capitalist globalisation crisis is not our crisis.” Speaking for the TMMOB, he criticised the infamous words of Prime Minister Erdoğan, who had said that the crisis would pass Turkey by.
“All around the country we are going to raise our voices against dismissals from work, low pay rises, poverty, unemployment, price rises and anti-democratic practices. We will not let the anyone let us, the workers, the ones getting by on a wage, the poor, the oppressed, pay the price for the capitalist globalisation crisis.”
He called on workers to join the demonstration in Kadıköy, Istanbul on Sunday.
"An equal, free and fair world"
The Platform for Socialist Solidarity (SODAP) also called for participation: “We will shout out our determination for socialism for an equal, free and fair world, and we will announce our disregard for a system which cannot offer the people work, food and a peaceful life.”
The Revolutionary Socialist Workers’ Party (DSİP) announced that it would participate in the protests carrying anti-capitalist banners. They said they would protest against global warming as well as poverty and unemployment.
Trade Union Federations DİSK, KESK and Türk-İş have called on workers to meet in two different places in Kadıköy at 10 am on Sunday. At 11 am, the groups will march towards Kadıköy square, where there will be speeches at 1 pm. (BÇ/AG)