Women Take First Steps For Rape Crisis Centers
Declaring, "Sexual violence is not women's, but men's problem," establishment of a Women's Platform Against Sexual Violence is announced with a press conference today in Istanbul. The Platform aims to launch a campaign against sexual harassment and rape across Turkey.
Around 20 activists from organizations like Mor Çatı, Amargi and LambdaIstanbul gathered at the press conference. Actress Deniz Türkali read the declaration. Moreover, a candidate in upcoming local elections Belgin Çelik and writer Ayşegül Devecioğlu gave support to the declaration.
"The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness on the sexual violence that women face, to discuss precautions to prevent further grievance for those subjected to violence and contribute the struggle to end all kinds of sexual violence" said Türkali.
She noted that the women's movement achieved gains during the formation of the new Penal Code but the mentality behind the legislation didn't change and sexual violence waged.
"Despite heavy penalties foreseen in the legislation, depending on the excuse of improper provocation, perpetrators go unpunished. Courts' attitude to investigate the woman's actions instead of rapists legitimizes sexual violence."
Türkali reminded recent discussions in the Ministry of Justice to reintroduce the practice of marrying victims with their rapists and to lower the minimum age of consent to sexual relations to 14 as evidence to the reigning mentality.
Özlem Çolak noted that this platform follows the Initiative to End Rape and Sexual Harassment, which includes women victims. Another member of the platform, Ayşe Yüksel talked about the rape crisis centers in some countries, which provide assistance to victims, avoiding further infractions on women and taking a feminist approach.
"We're working on those models and trying to find a best way to adapt them to Turkey. Later it will become a campaign and a petition will be presented to the parliament."
"I'm here not because I feel sorry for the women subjected to sexual violence, but because I know that the problem is related to the patriarchal system as a whole and as a feminist I support this action," author Devecioğlu said.(EZÖ/AGÜ)
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