Women Seek Voice in Parliament
Women underrepresented
According to the association's website, women were represented in the 1935 parliament with 18 seats (4.6 percent). Today women in parliament still only number 24, which make 4.4 percent of today's 550-seat parliament.
Nazik Isik, who is applying as a candidate for the Republican People's Party (CHP) in Izmir, says that "I am fighting to solve problems caused by sexism and I want to use my experience in parliament."
Canan Arin, a lawyer and leading figure in the feminist movement, says "my feminist attitude will continue in parliament."
The Ka-Der association has both been involved in sending its own members as candidates and in supporting other women who have applied. One of its leaders, lawyer Seyhan Eksioglu, has resigned her position in order to become a candidate for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). Lawyer Vecihe Tunca has applied for candidature in the CHP, while Dr. Selma Acuner of the European Women's Lobby has applied for the Democratic Party (DP).
Another Ka-Der member, Berrin Delikci, who is the editor-in-chief of a monthly women's magazine, is preparing to stand in Izmir.
According to Ka-Der, 22 women have asked the association for advice in their applications for candidacy.
Hope for cross-party collaboration
Lawyer Arin has expressed the hope that no matter what party women get elected for, they will work together in parliament for women's rights. Her personal priority is the continuing violence against women. (ZA/BA/AG/EÜ)